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A member registered Dec 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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This looks great and fits the theme very well! Really cool concept that could be a lot of fun with a few more obstacles and a clearer goal. Great work! 

This looks great and fits the theme very well! Really cool concept that could be a lot of fun with a few more obstacles and a clearer goal. Great work! 

This is a solid project! The difficulty feels deliberate, not incidental, though I might ramp up the challenge more gradually. The presentation is also very nice, and with a few more SFX, this would feel ready for release. Great work!

Very nice! This is exactly what I want from a game jam project. Clean, simple, and fun. Great work!

Difficulty might be a bit steep early on, but the instructions in game were greatly appreciated! A few small changes to box placement, platform collisions, and jump height would make a huge difference for accessibility. What's here is good, and you all should be proud! 

Very funny and a good concept. I would have liked more instruction in game, but that didn't stop me from having fun just slapping a burger together. Good work!

The presentation is all very cute! Art and sound effects are especially good. Manipulating gravity feels nice, even though I'm apparently quite bad at this game (judging by the leaderboard). I'm hoping to see some high level speedrunning when the Jam is all wrapped up. Good job!

Thank you! 

That's a relief! I was worried they'd be a little too weird

Thank you! A whole lot of math went into getting them (mostly) right