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A member registered Feb 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you, it's a good advice !

This game has "winning entry" material

Won in 86s without losing any heart

God dropkicking Lucifer was priceless :')

I like the idea a lot ! If I were you I'd lower the fall spedd/increase the draw distance of the obstacles because even in easy mode you just don't have the time to dodge some patterns

Really good pixel art !

I struggle to understand the gameplay but I managed to survive a few minutes.

Thank you, and yeah you're right !

Solid game, the controls are a but tedious but apart from that it's not lacking in any department, good job !

Thanks a lot !

Thank you !

For this one we didn't use any tutorial, I built the dialogue system from scratch with scriptable objects. I wouldn't recommend doing it like I did because it's very difficult to find out which event does what, and this creates a lot of errors and confusion: and the longer the chain of events, the worse the problem gets.

I was considering entirely redoing the architecture

Hi, what happened to the camera on the second level? Knowing that it's a game-breaking bug, aren't you allowed to update it to fix it ?

It was nice to be in the body of a shark for a few minutes. I didn't quite understand the ending though.

Yeah, where's Mary, actually ? Was Mary the first shark we met ?

Solid experience overall.

Hello, when you launch the game nothing happens except you get a still image of police cars, what's up ?


I can't seem to go further than the initial narrator first dialogue

I clicked everywhere and pressed enter but it doesn't seem to do anything ? How do I go further than that ?

Nice FPS for a gamejam !

The art direction is a little off (100% because of the blend of external assets), but this is redeemed by the game's level of content.

The inclusion of bosses is a good idea, and helps to break up the game's routine.

Can you pick up back your laser pistol in level 3? I prefer it to the pump-action shotgun, which looks weaker.  I was surrounded here and would have loved to have the grenade launcher to eliminate the packs of mobs.

Cheers !

Impressive ! You got every ending in the game. You're absolutely right about that missing ending, we'll definitely implement it once the game jam is finished

Hard but fun game to learn ! I finished the first level in ~15 minutes and almost the second but was killed by the edge of the hitbox of a shockwave just when i thought i nailed it :')

Violence is never an answer...

It is THE answer

Glad you liked the game !

Thank you, yes you're right the ui can definitely be improved by giving  an original sprite to the simple flat colors button, i'd totally do that if i were to continue working on the game

Thank you, glad you liked it !

Thank you !

Firefox, the text is too big for the buttons and clip through

Text-based gang rise up 🤝

Too bad your UI is broken on 16/9 screen at least on WebGL

Nice pixel art, nice mechanic, too bad you couldn't implement the boss because the game feels quite polished !

Nice choice of assets and decent platformer mechanics !

Imo you make us do too much back and forth between your level and the combat is very easy (even the light attack oneshot most mobs).

Really nice parallax too !

Really nice lighting and FX !

Extremely solid entry here, good job

I can't get out of the secret cave, what did i miss ?

Interesting concept, imo a bit too fast paced for the camera size

good job !

Not bad ! Good difficulty from start to finish

Bons concept et graphismes.Les collisions des banquises moyennes et grandes ont l'air un peu bugués non ? Dès que j'allais sur elles je pouvais plus sortir


Yes, I already had the concept in the back of my mind so when I had to restart from zero mid game jam I set for objective only a demo for the freeze mechanic

I'd like to develop the concept in the future

Beautiful game, nicely done !

Only drawback is it's a little too easy, but I prefer that than artificial difficulty

One of the finest entry of this jam !

Nice concept, too bad you hadnt the time to implement the other levels or visual aid to interact

Nice atmosphere too !

Just submitted a new best score with Firefox succesfully. This is the worst kind of bug when it's just too inconsistent to really find the cause quickly

The dread when you did everything right until the last trial and then you push an objective in a corner... Nice concept tho, and bold way to turn the jam theme in your favor

Good game, even more if it's done in less than two days. I did a poor score of 670

I'd have liked a progress bar because for a moment I thought it was endless.

Fun theme too, Rythm Thief but it's a squid against a shark

Nice art, nice concept, good job !

Too bad your keybinds arent physical for non QWERTY users, which engine did you use ?

A bit rough, but props to you guys for making a decent boss fight

I thought the game was too hard at first but it's compensated by the fact that the enemies just love to run into holes, idk if it's normal or not but I couldnt complete the first part without abusing the enemy AI

Thanks, sadly the bug happens too rarely for me to understand why it exist in the first place

The code is a mess because I rushed it so I'll probably rescript everything from the ground up