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A member registered Jul 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello, Thank you for checking out my submission! I just want to note that there is a bug that if A or D is being hold the movement speed is being capped. So whenever there is a slide, try and not hold A or D. Have fun with playing!

the new lvl 1

thank you for the feedback and for your found bugs, always helps out to post bugs! :)

12-7-2020 V1

I am working on it right now :)

have posted a screenshot of the new lvl 1 already in the gamepage

(1 edit)

working on polishing, implementing more mechanics and more lvl's

Thank you :)

thank you :D

yeah, unfortunatly was not able to finish lvl 2 in time :c

thank you! :)

(1 edit)

thank you, i will definitely think about continuing with developing this game :)

i love this game, i like how out of ctrl is done in this game. well done!

nice game!, love the music and the art. keep on developing! :)

thank you for the feedback :)

thank you for your feedback :)