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gaem by JJ

A member registered Jan 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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I died.

Game left on the battle screen and nothing happened.

Needs a game over screen.

Thanks, actually noticed a tutorial bug on that stream and fixed it.



Needs to play more like Worms. Worms Armaggedon is  provably the perfect rope swinging game., so just lift the movement mechanics from there.

It would be possible for sure, provided you have a good enough model to create a given kind of images. Although no, there is actually no "source" and "derived" images.

I've been working on this mouse over feature for a month now, and by "working" I mean remembering every now and then that I have to add it, it's just one line of code, so I'll do it next time I open the engine. And then forgeting about it next time I open the engine. I actually implemented it after reading this comment though!

You're right here, I was concerned about mechanical identities but kinda forgot to add the simplest baseline damaging cards, in the process. The effect is that emojis I pinned down as "having healing" have too much of it. Notifications, highlights etc. I'm already working on!

Thx, already working on a better hand spread and highlighting playable cards!

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Got shrekt in survival mode. Fun idea to build on. Would benefit a lot from some mobility options.

The tutorial is on the "pick emoji to start the demo" screen. Thanks for feedback!

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Dope idea for a puzzle game imo. If you had a pre-defined set of guns to use on every level (not buying) + ability to revert the placements with no cost, or at least see the change in route before placing them, you could get a cool pure puzzle game from the rerouting mechanic alone.

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Thanks for feedback! Tbh I actually thought of keeping Kevin MacLeod (with more tracks though) as a soundtrack because of his status as the meme music source on youtube.

quality game but i'm shit at it