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A member registered Jan 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Super cool idea! Mixing up lack of visibility with parkour elements came off to be a pretty fun experience. That and only being able to see your remaining time when there's light was real cool as well.

Overall really sweet experience. Good work!

Thanks a lot for the nice comments and the feedback!!
I can now see that it's really confusing what you're supposed to do to "clear" each  level yeah, it's really not obvious that you can interact with doors at the end. There's a ton of buildings but you can use specifically these two! Hahah. A highlight or something would've been dope.

Nice tip about the footsteps yes. Will keep it in mind, reload cancelling would've been a nice addition as well

About the flashlightttt yes I originally planned to introduce a sanity system that punished you for staying on the dark. I just couldnt come up with an idea that convinced me enough to implement it. But I wanted to make monsters like twice as fast as well so you couldn't just run through the level and you actually had to manage flashlight on/off

But ay really appreciate you playing and commenting dude! About to check out your game :D have a nice one

On the city sections, to progress, you have to hit "E" on the doors of the buildings at the end of the streets, this is not immediately obvious

Download Instructions:
1. Download the rar file
2. Extract
3. Run Their World Now.exe