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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I'll make sure to let you know if it does.

EDIT:  We fixed the problem, apparently it was because an antivirus that my gf installed (Avast , I think)  was messing with the game's permission to create files, she uninstalled the antivirus and the error was gone.  Sorry I can't be more precise about it, she fixed the problem by herself and doesn't even remember the name of the antivirus. Hope this info is helpful though! Good luck :)

Hey there! My gf gets the exact same error really early in the game, just after turning on the power at the barrens, when using the computer. The game shows this message and freezes. 

I thought it was a permissions issue so I created a shortcut of oneshot.exe and checked "Run this program as an administrator" on the options, so she didn't have to right click - run as admin every time she launches the game, but that didn't solved the problem. Tried to replicate this issue on my computer but I didn't get the error, we both have Windows 10.