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A member registered May 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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I had a lot of fun with that! Thank you, very addicting.

That was fantastic! Thank you!

I liked this a lot guys, thank you.

I absolutely loved this, 100%'ed it in a little under an hour. I really appreciate how tight everything is, how well it all works together, how smoothly it plays, and how beautiful the art and music and level design is. Nothing was not wonderful. I wish you all good luck in completing this. I recognize it's a much larger project than what you've made so far, but given the extremely high quality of what you've made here I'm hopeful. I hope you are too. Work hard and stay well!

Hey! I played this on steam, got almost all of the endings, and I keep wanting to play it again. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate that you put it out there. Thanks!

Beautiful and loved it

Great game! Very streamlined and enjoyable. Very fun to play.


Thank you.

Well, found the gemstone. I'm a little envious you made this in 4 weeks! I loved the day-night cycle, that added a surprising amount to my enjoyment of the game.

Hi RikOclon, it should be fixed now. Thanks again for letting me know!

Hi RikOculon, thanks for reporting! I'd had that too earlier in development, but I thought I'd fixed it... I'll give it another look. It's good to know it's happening with the pit as well, I'd never seen that before. And thanks, I'm glad you like the art!