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A member registered Jun 30, 2023

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Really great twist on the scalable platformer with the swapping scales! I took a while to realise you could scale platforms, but after that I moved through puzzles pretty easily (despite dying a lot). I didn't entirely wrap my head around the maths of swapping the scale but managed experimenting my way through it anyway, and I found the speed mechanic really fun when I got to it. The final level was really exciting and probably my favourite level, though unfortunately I didn't finish it all (finally got past the first moving platform once and then realised there was more :'). The visuals also look really polished- great game, well done!

Charming and really fun to play, and the visuals & animations look great! Beyond a bit of understandable game jam jank that made moving a little awkward, the puzzles are all really well designed, and finding out you can resize yourself with mirrors was a really fun mechanic ( I love the little wizard)

Really fun to play, and really polished art and sound design! I got sucked in immediately and honestly could've played for ages. The only caveat was with the sliders, which were quite difficult to control properly- I like that you have some lack of precision because it lets you move through each object quickly without worrying about being perfect, but being too difficult to control became slightly frustrating. But still, everything else was brilliant!

I absolutely love the art nouveau style! The whole game seems really polished with all the art, music and sound design, and the gameplay itself is really simple and effective. The way that the game is so intuitively laid out makes it really easy to pick up and start, and even learning how the points system works is easy to pick up after a couple iterations. It's the sort of game you could play for ages to relax (reminds me a little of mahjong), and getting to see your flower at the end is a really nice touch. Again, all the animations are really polished and beautiful, and the designs of the tiles are so detailed it feels like a fully published game rather than a game jam entry! Well done :)

The look of this game is what jumps out first- it looks so polished and pretty, it's incredible! The sound design and music also have a basically perfect level of polish, and those elements look like they come out of a fully published game. Unfortunately I found that the mechanics left me feeling quite useless & helpless- my slowing down of the bacteria didn't seem to make the T cells and macrophages kill them any quicker, and I didn't manage to beat the first level before the bacteria inevitably multiplied out of control. Even when I froze all the bacteria, they seemed to just multiply in place before they could be killed. However if one of the game's focuses was to communicate how the immune system works, that was definitely achieved, as the roles of the cells are made really clear. It does seem to put the player in the back seat though, as it feels as if I'm relying on luck for the cells to take care of the bacteria themselves.

Either way, really great concept and beautiful design, well done!

Really fun and creative gameplay! It was a little confusing to start as the tutorial showed how to pick up items but not how to place them down, but as soon as I checked the description it was smooth sailing. The mechanics are simple, intuitive and really engaging, and the the design of the level let me move through at a fairly quick pace, without feeling too easy and boring (plus the sound effects were v enjoyable). I unfortunately got softlocked at some point when some stairs didn't quite reach the next platform, but with some polish, art and more levels, I'd love to see this as a full game!