I'm not the developer, but I guess that the Web-based emulator just stretches to the given window. I don't think this can be changed by the NES-ROM. But @Voxel might know more.
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Awesome game!
I figured out the controls as follows:
cursor left-right to move the UFO sideways
Z to go up
X to enable traktor beam
You need to get the cow into your beam and pull it above the dashed line. If you crash or fly too high into space you can restart the game with the return key, but that resets your score.
Great game! I love the pixel style a lot, but what really impressed me was the fine balance of the game. When I played it first, I barely made it over the first few platforms and after some practice, I could see the goal but never reached it because I ran out of time. After many more tries, I was able to win finally. It is really well-designed!
Awesome game! The winter topic perfectly matches today's weather. At first, I wanted to talk to the cat and accidentally slashed my sword at her. I had better luck with the market lady, and immediately found the game topic reflected there! I didn't mind being a troll, but I immediately regained my old form although I did not have all the crystals?
Great game, I immediately knew what to do (which is quite a compliment since I'm very bad at finding out how to play a game). The two-player variant seems to issue points always symmetrically, probably you could issue team points in this case and add some ghost team with virtual points that you can hunt with two players. But that is just an idea. Another suggestion would be to award more points if only one label is used and fewer if more labels are used.
Hi! I have recently purchased the pro version and made a text-multi-color, per-char-colored, tileset project with CP3.09 Win64. But when I exported via File->Text/Asm->ExportAll the Tilesetdata and the Tags were missing in the file. I have used this function many times with Charpad 2.86 without problems so far. Any idea what could cause this problem?
Yes, you can find the project here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/98635620/