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A member registered Aug 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I actually had a different problem.

When naming, I named the whole file "index.html", while in reality, the file only needed to be called "index", as the ".html" comes from the file itself, not the name. Now it works, thank you for the help.

"Failed to find index.html

Please try deleting the ZIP file and uploading another one."

I have renamed everything that there was to be renamed to "index.html." the file, the folder, I don't know what else is left. I did my best to find a solution online, but could not.

Apologies for wasting time and thank you for the possible help.

Bring the almighty ban hammer, personally made by Gabe Newell for Scott.

Yea... Its like making the book cover and the summary in english and the rest of the book being in Portuguese... Does not make any sense to me, at all.


So, characthers now feel more life-like and backrounds have been improved, along with the game now running on a better and easier to use engine. Nice.

(1 edit)


Good day to you.

I'm just here to drop off a bug, a visual one. If you focus on Naho(Wolf-girl) story, around the time when she tells you that her hands are not enough, if you offer the goblins(my only option) seemingly the rest of the game, her picture stays in the cum-stained picture.

Honestly, no idea if that was intentional, to me, it seemed like it wasn't, so I'm here reporting it.

can't even have a proper game in Detroit.

I mean, they stole my house while I was in walmart, not even surprised at this point....

Looks good. Can't really add anything else, since this is a 10 minute demo.


this guy stole your game and re-uploaded it.

just informing you

God be like:

Bitch. How Dare You Still Live? | Know Your Meme

This game gives me "What A Legend" Vibes.

and i rate that game quit highly,so takes this as a way of me saying:your doing a great fucking job.

Im planning on giveing a bigger,more detailed review,but im to tried for it,so its gona have to wait a bit.

looks good,feals good,i think im gona check back in maybe a year or so.

good luck with them game

-Best Regards:FriendlyHornyGuy

It is a game you only see once a year.

It is only a brief showcase,but damm,is it good.

the story seems intreesting,the animation is great.

Even if i wanted to,i can't say anything bad about this game

Holy fuck,literaly founded this game,first thing i see is this

Take your time.It doesn't worth putting your mental/physical health on the line just for the sake of us.Taking your needed time to recover is not only important,but should be mandatory.I hope that i may see this game prosper.

Sadly,i suffer from a case of:being broke,so i can't support.all i can do is play the game and try to leave a honest review,and if i,for some reason do not enjoy the game,i just take my leave(not that i wish to imply it would be a bad game,just maybe not for my taste)and if i found it good,stick around.

I belive that you,you have what it takes to make a good game.Just please,always take care of your health/personal issues,as your well being comes and always should come first.

Rise and Shine,Mr Vic,Rise and Shine.(Half-Life 2 refrence)

and also,make porn Mr Vic.

Best Regards:FriendlyHornyGuy

Take care Buddy.  Sok Szerencsét,barátom("good luck my friend" in hungarian)

MC be like: where are my E y e s ? ? ?

still,a good game i guess.

btw,the orange text is accualy a pretty good idea,showing characters,and telling their past/personalaty wihtouth needing to spend 5 minutes reading it.

eh,guess number 3 is the most instresting to me.

You know the rules,and so do I

its a porn game,and a good kind

You may not like the math problems

And neither do i,its good for suckers

Thats how long i managed to do this. its a good game,tho it feals like the sex animation hard carrys the game. 8.2/10


Look mom,thats me

im here to report a bug: when you work for ritsuki,you do not get any gold from it(it says you got gold,but your money stays the same)

as a non-genshin player,i approve of this

H-h-h-Hans,i-i-can explain,please,i beg of you,don't burn me with the flammenwerfer

Playing the new version,im confident in saying this could be another game in the high ranks,like:champion of the realms or hero's harem guild. Its just a matter of time....

but im horny now

Understandable,as games even if good,not guranteed to be finded by a large audience and make a good amount of money.

Even if it does happen,energy,motivation and time is needed,if any is lacking then the progress is slow

anyone lets hope we get patreons. would help,but i suffer a minor case of being broke

i said it on newgrounds,i say it here

this game is like a bar of chocolate you get from a friend.

Its not the best,but still,you can enjoy it,if not atlest theres the thouth

i think its an ok game,but i would wait with buying it

Like,i expected 10 times worse,but nah,its good. this is i think one of those games that are:tooooo good to be free,but would't pay for it(my opinion,don't send the IRS on me pls)

Good job dude

and go to horny jail

and when your back,make more

So,what now?when is the public getting v0.2.0?

just cause its been almost 3 month since anything happened

It ain't much,but its honest work

(2 edits)


Im going to be honest,i enjoy the story much more then the sex scenes

Lets go over the game,shall we?

S P O I L E R(begone)

Story:your an idiot with little to no money,who manages to let his backpack be stolen .Luckly you rain into koboyashi and Tohru,whom offer you a place in their apartment.You do you,the morning arrives,you leave the apartment aaaaaaand get yeeted by a not even suprized.


aqua offers you to live once again,but you need to fuck once evrey 5 day or die.thats really to the story right now,as of the demo.Could be worse,saw worse,played worse,8/10

Now, S e x

not a big fan of it if im honest but i can't expect evrey porn game maker to know how to animate like a god (if the story good,i usualy don't care and vice versa)

playtime:its a visual novle,around 15 ish,minutes of gameplay and i think 6 choices,and one death ending(?)this is the enbodyment of:would not pay for it,but for free its a steal

I feal its gona be a game that i wil forget for 7 months,then remember it existed and check out the new part(if theres gona be one,idk how long an update takes)

Tho i wonder if its gone be free or just a demo on here and there to give people and idea if its worth buying or not and the full version on patreon only? Beacuse its important to know if its a free game or not(im not saying 2 dollar a month is a lot,but it can add up.Im not saying you should't support creators,theres just a big gap between free and paid games)

-Best Regards:Horny(Get that god damm bat away from me,im not going back to jail)

(1 edit)

For me,mega still takes me to an other site called F95 ZONE(if its also a download place,then sorry for bothering,but im not putting my email there),

but Nopy is working

and i thank you for removing ANON,might be just me,but i wasn't happy to get a bitcoin miner(might be also a virus,idk ) luckly i got  IObit uninstaller an avast anti virus,so it was out the window in an hour,i will test the game now,and leave a third comment about the accual game.

-Best Regards:Horny