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(2 edits)

VeryComplexChess is a version of Chess, where you can move every one of your figures exactly once per Turn. This makes the Game way more Complex than normal Chess.  Also you can create Custom Maps using a Level-Editor. It also has Multiplayer Support.

I have played some Games with Friends and it can become pretty Interesting. I should mention that (at least on the included Map) Games can take hours, since there are many Pieces. But of Course you can export the Game for later import and continue playing whenever you like if you want to take a break. You can find the Game here:

The Game includes all the usual Pieces from Chess except Pawns since they are not really useful on a larger Board.
One of the special things about this Game is that Enemy Pieces don't block Enemy Pieces.

You think your King is safe, because the Opponents Knight is in the way of their Queen?
Well: Wrong! Your Opponent can just first move the Knight away and then take your King with the Queen in one turn!
This makes it way harder to spot possible Traps than in normal Chess allowing for really advanced Strategy!

I hope you have fun!