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Freedoms Software

A member registered Jan 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Just released a small update fixing a bug and changing the UI a bit. Check the devlog for more info: Devlog (

(1 edit)

Hi Everyone

This is our latest game: The Core Message -->

Combining retro puzzles and a arcade space shooter. You and your crew found strange materials in the galaxy core to upgrade your ship to the most powerful. While collecting core materials you came across something unbelievable ... The Core Message. The Core Message changes everything.


Great news! Virtually Real Life has now been released on and Steam. Hope you guys enjoy it and let us know what you think.

"Come check me out in Virtually real life and I'll make it worth it for you in game, promise."

"Forget the peasant girl, come check out my real powers."

"And this is what we developers have to deal with everyday as these characters battle it out in our heads ... Is that normal?"

Good day

We have now released chapter 1 for free. You can also purchase chapter 2:

Virtually Real Life

Virtually Real Life

Virtually Real Life

"Reality. A term concocted by creatures to give worth to their version of reality...But what is reality if there are so many realities?"

What happens if a being of a 2D world is dragged into the virtual world of a 3D realm? The story follows our "hero" who was dragged into a world he/she barely understands, and has to survive and escape the demonic beings who brought our hero into this realm. Don't forget to try and save our hero's true love that was also dragged into this realm, or forget about true love all together, your choice.

Help other beings who are trapped or betray them. Surrender to the demonic beings who can posses almost anything or resist them until the very "end".