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A member registered Nov 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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A neat puzzle game. I really liked the art, especially the image of the city.

You are able to pop the bubbles, and they make a popping sound. 10/10.

I liked the hand drawn art stye. Fun gameplay too.

very fun game.

The slime instantly died. Looked nice though.

Sweet shaders. Looked really good.

Well made game.

10/10, brought a tear to my eye.

Really fun game play and good art, you did really well!

I like it! I noticed the units had a pathing algorithm, unfortunately they don't do corners very well.

This is quite a clever idea that has been well presented.

This is really good!


This is one of the best ones on here, rolling three blues does hurt a little however it is still a really nice looking and good game.

Surprisingly cathartic.

(2 edits)

This is really fun, the leader board is pretty cool too. It does stop at 99 though which is kinda sad.

I really like the art, the terrain and its hit boxes were surprisingly detailed.

This is a surprisingly addictive game. I really like the sound design.

This game is awesome, had a lot of fun playing it. The music is also great, got a nice calm atmosphere to it. Favorite level is definitely hourglass.

This game is great, the ending really got me.