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A member registered Mar 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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I think the first potential shortcut I saw was in the first stage after the stairs with the face, I thought maybe I could reach the fire to the right with good positioning. Did you put the face there as an intentional hint? I could really see this as a puzzle platformer. Exploring some old temple/ruins with movement and combination puzzle to progress.

nice and fast gameplay, really enjoyed the music. sadly the game crashes at the death / restart screen

rage quit the game XD, nice gameplay and smooth controls, hitboxes were a bit off

nice art, firing the weapons feel very satisfying. somehow nothing happened after i killed the boss

would love to have a double jump

chill and relax game, feels good to learn and master the drifting

great controls, aestheticly pleasing and i really get the fever to to try again. almost got it

nice art style. the controls are hard to master

nice art style, would love some silly music. 68.59 Deathrun :)

game doesn't load for me

hard, fun and punishing platformer

The game is fun and i like the aesthetics. For a speedrunner there are a lot of oppurtunities to get better, you can learn the map and best path, the best way to switch between flame and movement. Really strong gameplay and mechanics.

Nice idea. I like the chill background music.

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Escape the Horde is my entry for Mini Jam 104:Cascade and Ludum Dare 50 Extra
The game is a turn based horror dungeon crawler / infinite runner. Currently the game is a prototype and I tried to polish as many aspects of the game as I could to submit a solid jam entry. You move tile by tile through a corridor infested with alien bugs. The goal is to survive as long as possible and scoring points by moving forward, looting chests and killing enemies. In the prototype there is only one type of enemy and two weapon types. Since I really enjoyed working on the prototype and like to play it myself I'll keep working on it and developing it into a full game. The score attack / infinte runner part of the game will probably be removed or I'll split the final product into different games where the main game will be a turn based dungeon crawler / rpg.

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I'm glad you enjoyed the game so much and thank you for the feedback. There's still alot to work on the game. For the jam I tried to polish all the aspects of the game, such as animations for everything, ui/ux and the atmosphere / style. Sadly there wasn't much time for music / sound. I guess the finite quantity aspect isn't very noticeable for players. The game starts with a 50/50 chance of spawning a chest/enemy and progresses to a 10/90 chance, you will run out of everything. Had to squeeze it in somehow finite quantity / delay the inevitable :)

First of all thanks alot. Currently the game is pretty easy once you understand the mechanics since I just didn't have enough time. Future versions will include more types of hazards, more weapons and different enemy types like meele, ranged, fast, tanky, hazard resistent. I'm laso thinking about creating different modes with varying difficulty.

Thank you. I really enjoyed creating the Style/Theme of the game and will definetly work on making it even darker.

Hey there,

post your suggestions for the charity in this thread. Just reply with your ideas. At the end of the month there will be a poll with all the suggestions to pick out one charity that will receive the proceeds of the bundle. Feel free to suggest whatever charity you like. For me personal since and the community is pretty internationally I'll start the thread with a classic. 

Doctors Without Borders

Hi there,

Yes you can submit games/projects from other jams, charity dev jam is not exclusive. Also feel free to submit more than one project if you like.

Hey there,

one universal charity will be chosen and all the money goes to that one charity. I will open a thread shortly where each participant can suggest a charity and near the end of the month there will be a poll where one of the suggestions gets picked.

Good luck everyone and have fun for the good cause.


Chaotic Elements is a fast paced action puzzle game, where you combine elements to get the highest score possible. Each new element on the board morphes after a couple seconds and splits into 2 new elements. After 100 elements morphed the game ends, for every 2 elements you combine you get points. Challenge yourself and hunt all the achievments or play multiplayer against other people. Multiplayer follows the same game principles but for each elements you combine the enemy player spawns an additional element on their board. Slow down time or use bombs to get an even higher score.

The game is available on android and windows, with an ad supported version on android and a free demo on windows.

Chaotic Elements on Android Play Store

If you need something to aim for, the highest possible score is 1013 :)

Yeah, I feel like if there were more mechanics you could play longer. But right now there's not enough content for the map size.


I'm glad you liked it. The music is from dark fantasy studios, you can buy/license their music.

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Masters of Exarch

a deck builder for 2-4 players

Masters of Exarch is a tactical deck builder about decisions and what you are willing to sacrifice to win. The main mechanic of the game is its energy system, where each turn the players need to decide which cards to discard to play the other cards. The second important mechanic is the action system where some cards have strong effects but have an additional cost of action points. Players start with a deck of random low impact cards and 2 permanent hero cards. They then need to build their deck up over time by buying new cards from the treasure chest. The card mechanics in Masters of Exarch are heavily themed around deck and card manipulation, so that each turn every card and decision matters.

While currently not in the rule book, the game cannot only be played as a deck builder. You can use the same set of cards to play constructed formats and drafts. To play those formats each player can choose their deck by the following rules. 


2 x 5 energy cards, 3 x 4 energy cards, 4 x 3 energy cards, 5 x 2 energy cards and 6 x 1 energy cards


Each player draws 2 cards of each energy level and chooses 1 card to keep, then the players switch the remaining cards with each other and again choose one of those cards to keep. The players repeat this until no cards are left. The last round of draft (round 9) contains no 5 and 4 energy cards, just evenly split the remaining 3,2 and 1 energy cards. Then each player creates a constructed deck from the cards they chose.

Boo 2.0 - SkipBo / Spite & Malice Variant

Quite some time ago I developed Boo for a friend that just loves the card game Spite & Malice. Originally Boo was developed during Devtober in 2019 but recently I decided that it needed a rework of the source code and a graphical overhaul.

That new version is Boo 2.0. The game itself is a casual card game about stacking cards with consecutive numbers. Each player has a special stack of cards they need to use. The first player to use all of their cards wins the game.


Nice concept and I really enjoyed the art style. But I'm not sure the weight mechanic works, since the game seems to be played best just holding down w.

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Zen Space

Experience the tranquility of space and relax in 21 unique environments

Look through the app into 21 unique environments in which you can move freely. Together with sonorous, emotional music you will discover relaxation and a meditative experience wherever you are. 

Move your display through the room that surrounds you and discover space. Whether in front of, behind or above you, the app surrounds you in 360 ° with an atmospheric landscape of stars and objects from space. The classical elements of the music offer the ideal background to switch off and dream.

I originally developed the app for my partner because she loves space and the stars, but unfortunately we can no longer visit the planetarium due to the current situation. Together with the emotional, calm music, the emptiness of space invites you to relax. The app works by physically moving the phone through the room around you and looking at the surroundings through the screen. Unfortunately the app requires a gyroscope. Even if Zen Space is not a traditional game, it invites you to relax and unwind wherever you are.

The free version contains 6 environments and can be used to the full extent.

The full version with a total of 21 environments can be unlocked for $ 2.49.


Thanks for the feddback and I think you're absolutely right. Changed it to a short gameplay gif.

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Quite some time ago I made one of my first games, _Licht. A small puzzle game. While I was proud of the game I created, over time I wasn't happy how it turned out. Visuals and usability weren't quite there. So as a little creative exercise I decided to redo the game from scratch. Better visuals and better code. I enjoyed remaking the game and seeing how far I've progressed and especially how different I code nowadays.

The game itself is about finding a number with encrypted digits. The upper two circles give you clues on how the digits change after you clicked/tapped them.

I hope you enjoy my little puzzle game as much as I enjoyed making it again.

Diced - Train your brain and perception

Diced is a game in which you have to prove your perception and dexterity in a short puzzle. Transfer the colors from the left cube to the right cube. No matter whether against the time in the game modes Rounds and Time or relaxed in Endless mode. Choose between 3 levels of difficulty where the cube gets bigger and more complex. Quick thinking and reactions are required when chasing your best scores.

Goal of the game is to transfer the pattern shown on the left side to the right side by touching the corresponding fields. You can tap the fields or just simply draw your finger over them. If you made a mistake just tap the field again.

Color selection

Choose the color of the cubes according to your taste with the C symbol in the app

Game modes

- Rounds: Solve 30 puzzles as fast as you can

- Time: Solve as many puzzles as you can before the time runs out

- Endless: Relax and play as many puzzles as you want


Choose between 3 levels:




How to Play:

- Select the size of the pattern 3x3, 4x4 or 5x5

- Select the game mode

-- Rounds : Transfer 30 patterns as fast as you can

-- Time: Transfer as many patterns as you can before time runs out

-- Infinite: Just relax while you transfer patterns

If you want to go back to the main screen, tap the 3 circle icon in the upper left corner.

The main screen will show your scores under each size category. The first score shows how many seconds you needed in Rounds game mode and the second score shows how many patterns you managed to transfer in Time game mode.

Boo originaly was my Devtober project. For months now the game was nearly finished but i never found the time to do so. But i'm glad that i did and can release it.

The game is a variant of the SkipBo card game. The aim of the game is to discard all the cards from your target stack by stacking cards in order 1-12. You can choose betwenn 1-3 opponents and 5-30 cards.

I hope you can enjoy a couple relaxing rounds of Boo.