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A member registered Jan 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Rated it :)

The resources can be used for upgrades. Like more speed and faster regeneration. This menu cab be accessed by pressing tab while on the land

Hello, thank you for the review. You did not actually run out of cannonballs. You just can't shoot to the back of the ship. We will improve the instructions in a possible future update.

hello, thank you for the review and the suggestions :)

(1 edit)


thanks for the review. You probably did die. But the live counter is being reset before clicking retry. So that way it showed you had still hp left. This should indeed be fixed in the next update.


Thank you for your suggestions, the fact that you took damage while reading the intro should indeed be fixed. We did not think this trough.

The movement is indeed very slow. But this is on purpose because you can upgrade the speed of the ship when pressing e while on the land.

Thank you for your time to comment :)

Very interesting, really liked the playable organ in de building

Oops😬. Thank you for pointing out that this is posisble.

Hello, thank you for your kind words and possible improvements.

The upgrade menu can only be opened when you're docked, you can dock by pressing 'e' when close to the land.

You can also upgrade the speed for the ship in that menu.

The cannonball shoot speed is ondeed something we need to improve. But our time ran out :p

Best regards, Flawake

Here is my game, made by 4 first year students in their second week.

Please review it, first time we joined a game jam :)