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A member registered Sep 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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(5 edits)

Hello there poeple!

I’m up to make something new and exciting. This time around I would preffer something small and well polished. So if you dont have that much time or you just want to have the time to rly spike up the quality of things we make for this jam, this should be just the right team for you!

I’m looking for some 2D Artist/s.

I personaly can offer you my Godot Engine skills. At the end I’ll be sending you the whole godot project file from this Game Jam, so you can use it to learn something new or for any other event in future.

If you want to join for this Game Jam, please visit my website for joining, it’s the most streamlined way for me to respond to everyone and make sure I’ll get to you as soon as I can!

Join here: Game Jam Form

But I’ll be checking here too. So dont stress it out if you don’t want to hassle with another link :D

If you are interested in my previous work, feel free to roam on my itch profile. The best way to quickly check for my style and my humour I would recomend my Vault 1

Yours truly Flamendrin o/

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I sent a request on Discord. (Flameful) Feel free to roam through my projects on itch and decide if I’m worth the time.

In any case, I look forward to hearing from you.

Timezone: CET (UTC +1)


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But, thx for the comment. We knew about this bug, but unfortunately we chose a bigger scope of the game, than we could realize. There are more gamebreaking bugs. So far this is mostly a prototype to show what we thought of as an interesting idea. Anyway thx for the feedback and gl! <3

Well, it's a feature now :D

Top! I love it! Insta add to my collection XD

This one is Awesome! It's creative as hell. :D (Also cool detail with the itch submissions!)

Reached level 5. I'm still drained from Jam so there goes the Gamer God power. But This game was fun. It is simple yet challenging and the mini facts on the bottom are just amazing.

Tops up for you music creator. The music was great!

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one of the creators of this game here! o/

I just wanted to say that the game is just a prototype. The idea of this concept was too ambitious for the time we had. Anyway, even with that note, I still hope you enjoy this little game.

Feel free to leave us your feedback. We look forward to it!

Generally a nice game. In short, simple and challenging. GJ!

Nice music, nice graphics, amazing animation of the scarf. I like the impressionistic direction. The only thing is, the first checkpoint could have been after the Chickpea talk. I talked to him one too many times in the first part. :D

Yeah, we found it after submission. Already is on *aware* list. Other than that, thx for the feedback!

Another great pico8 game. Great sounds, nice graphics. Gradually becomes repetitive, but that's more of a subjective opinion. Otherwise the level design is pretty interesting.

A short game reminiscent of arguing with the narrator from Stanley's Parable. Short but funny. Simple but profound. Generally something to please and make you laugh. Of course, the Fun Factor falls off a bit, but it's in a different form here. Great work!

Amazing visuals and incredibly nice sounds and music. But slow progression through text and animation. The gameplay part is quite simple then, and the game reminds me more of a meditation / zen game with occasional mumbling when I fall down.

The game is pretty cool, but the walls seem far apart, besides, the sounds can be unevenly loud and sliding down the wall gets annoying after a while. Outside of those things the game is great visually, the shop and interactive menus are inspiring and great. The gameplay falls off a bit but that doesn't hinder the Fun Factor. For me, one of the best games I've played so far.

Kinda good, just think the music could be a little less loud.
Otherwise GJ!