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A member registered Mar 08, 2022

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oh I did not have the right solution to level 6 (saw solution in comments). It's a much nicer level than I thought that requires no timing skills ;-( But I was so hooked up with Lefel 1 showing me the mechanic I needed I never thought too hard. Why have the delay in the dropping of both the blocks (between first and second to drop)  if you are not trying to tempt me to run the gap over one and under the other! At least let it be possible... or maybe its a troll for the hard-core.  

I enjoy your videos on Nebula so I came to have a go.

Feedback (warning spoilers).


Holding CTRL to get a level restart becomes intuitive, however a 'bar-filling' animation might help to show how long you have to hold it for (a press is not enough). Just like in Super Smash Bros

You could have two-stages for the hold effect with CTRL. Hold for 2 sec to restart level , hold for 5 sec to go back to Hub. I didn't like there wasn't an 'Exit' in the level screen to go back to the hub.

I never came across a situation where I didn't want the magnet to be picked-up. How about an auto pick-up when I roll-over it? If I don't want to pick it up I can jump over it... (this could be a mechanic aswell)

Level Order:

I tried the levels in Order 4,2,6,1,3,5. Only Level 6 was 'really' challenging. I would overall the difficulty is aimed at kids??

 After I failed to figure out level 6 (about 15 mins of trying) I became humble and went back to level 1, which was handy because level 1 gave me the idea to solve level 6.

Level 2 is very easy, an extension of the tutorial more or less.

Favourite level is level 5. Nice fake-out so answer is satisfying.

In level 6 why is the (annoying) switch not angled so that it is facing up close to the wall. If it was angled up at the wall, then a throw of mine would hit the far wall and the magnet would dead-drop onto it, making the throw a lot easier to get right. It's not like the dash not to get squished is easy to time, both together are hair pulling.

I never did level 6, however I think my solution would have worked if only I had perfect timing. It's nice that I didn't have to finish level 6 to get to the 'final' stage.

General Comments:

I like the puzzles are all on one screen. Somehow feels like the puzzle is not cheating by keeping some part of itself hidden (like a good murder mystery, all the clues are there...)

I like you can totally screw up the puzzle and you have to make your own decision to reset. The choice to reset was mine.

Rando ideas:

How about a super-heavy magnet that when you pick it up slows your characters movement and jump, has shorter throw range or can knock over obstacles when it is speedy from a mag field.

If the magnet hits your character on the head, then the character could enter a dazed animation that stops player input for a few seconds. It would be cute, fun to do, and could be a mechanic. Nothing like depolarising a magnet so it hits your bonce for a cheap laugh.

Um, technically a negative and a negative polarity on magnets are repulsive not neutral. Does this mean you want a third 'off' state for the magnet or two 'types' or magnet (positive and negative, and positive and neutral)? I liked how just two states kept the magnet simple though...

My kids play a lot of 'fire boy and water girl' and it feels like it should be similar. I will show my kids this game.
