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I enjoy your videos on Nebula so I came to have a go.

Feedback (warning spoilers).


Holding CTRL to get a level restart becomes intuitive, however a 'bar-filling' animation might help to show how long you have to hold it for (a press is not enough). Just like in Super Smash Bros

You could have two-stages for the hold effect with CTRL. Hold for 2 sec to restart level , hold for 5 sec to go back to Hub. I didn't like there wasn't an 'Exit' in the level screen to go back to the hub.

I never came across a situation where I didn't want the magnet to be picked-up. How about an auto pick-up when I roll-over it? If I don't want to pick it up I can jump over it... (this could be a mechanic aswell)

Level Order:

I tried the levels in Order 4,2,6,1,3,5. Only Level 6 was 'really' challenging. I would overall the difficulty is aimed at kids??

 After I failed to figure out level 6 (about 15 mins of trying) I became humble and went back to level 1, which was handy because level 1 gave me the idea to solve level 6.

Level 2 is very easy, an extension of the tutorial more or less.

Favourite level is level 5. Nice fake-out so answer is satisfying.

In level 6 why is the (annoying) switch not angled so that it is facing up close to the wall. If it was angled up at the wall, then a throw of mine would hit the far wall and the magnet would dead-drop onto it, making the throw a lot easier to get right. It's not like the dash not to get squished is easy to time, both together are hair pulling.

I never did level 6, however I think my solution would have worked if only I had perfect timing. It's nice that I didn't have to finish level 6 to get to the 'final' stage.

General Comments:

I like the puzzles are all on one screen. Somehow feels like the puzzle is not cheating by keeping some part of itself hidden (like a good murder mystery, all the clues are there...)

I like you can totally screw up the puzzle and you have to make your own decision to reset. The choice to reset was mine.

Rando ideas:

How about a super-heavy magnet that when you pick it up slows your characters movement and jump, has shorter throw range or can knock over obstacles when it is speedy from a mag field.

If the magnet hits your character on the head, then the character could enter a dazed animation that stops player input for a few seconds. It would be cute, fun to do, and could be a mechanic. Nothing like depolarising a magnet so it hits your bonce for a cheap laugh.

Um, technically a negative and a negative polarity on magnets are repulsive not neutral. Does this mean you want a third 'off' state for the magnet or two 'types' or magnet (positive and negative, and positive and neutral)? I liked how just two states kept the magnet simple though...

My kids play a lot of 'fire boy and water girl' and it feels like it should be similar. I will show my kids this game.
