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A member registered Aug 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Found a little workaround. I'm using right now Yanflys Save Core, and setted it on every map as a parallel event to save the game every 10 frames. This gives the feeling of the game permanently saving, the same goes for using potions and other consumables. Also, I've limited the game to one save slot.

It really starts feeling like Ragnarok Online, maybe you've heard about it. 

Perhaps your next plugin would be a "permanent saver" or something similar. Probably with excluding some maps where the permanent saving is disabled. ;)


P. s. pretty sure there's another way instead of spamming on every map a parallel event to trigger the hidden saving function, but for now it's working and I'm happy.

Hi there,

this plugin is great. Just have a little question. How do I save globally the amount of items I got? Let's say, I have 50 potions, I use 4 of them, which gives me 46 left. Now I close the game and when loading the (only) save game, it's back to 50. 

Any tips?

Hi there,

I made a challenging game and would like to hear what you think.

Unfortunately, I'm not a high-end programmer and just did this as a hobby, so please be kind :). 
Quick summary; You're a hero and looking for a new challenge. You found the city "Cityri" and heard that people there are in need of help. 
Fight through many instances, use strategic ways to beat your foe.  No big story behind it.

Good luck and don't forget, it's trial and error!

This demo contains round about 60 to 90 minutes play time. 
