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This is a caching issue in my browser. Ignore me.

(3 edits)

I am using butler to publish my game and then play my game in an iframe on my website.

The reason I am using butler is because I can keep the same Upload ID for the iframe URL and then I don't have to publish my website every time I update my game. That was the answer to the problem according to this post:

The problem is that I don't see updates to my game when I play it.

  • I am positive that my changes are being pushed from my PC (using butler) because I can go to and download the files. The files that has are updated.
  • The embed URL is not being changed (good thing) when I upload new files. I can go to the Distribute in and the embed URL iframe is all the same as it was.
  • I don't have multiple versions of my game. This is an html5 game (I also tried a Windows executable game)and I have the box checked to make it playable in the web browser.
  • I am positive that my website is displaying the correct iframe. I can see in the debug tools in Chrome that I have the correct embed URL from itch being loaded.

I should add that the game shows correctly when I play it directly on, but the iFrame is not getting the updates.

Is there a chance it just takes more time and changes are not immediate?