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A member registered Oct 28, 2020

Recent community posts

Hey I just discovered the game through Steam. It looks like a lot of fun. I was wondering, if I play it here with the cloud save. Will the Steam release reset the cloud saves or will I keep my progression on Steam from where I left here? thanks

(1 edit)

I paid for assets in the unity store. I spent about 500$ for the visuals of my game which would probably have cost x5 - x10 the price to pay for a freelance artist. I dont have that money nor can I make such an investment for my first game :/

hey guys, theres an information I seem to not be able to find anywhere and that is: are indie game publishers accepting/publishing games with bought assets? I know bought assets have somewhat of a bad reputation because of asset flips and poor quality game made with bought assets, so I was wondering if any game publisher accepted them? Or maybe should I present my game and mention that I intend to change the graphics if I get funding ? Would be a better and more realistic idea?

If someone knows please let me know. Thanks!