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Ether X Games

A member registered Sep 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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a hard puzzle XD

Would love to see an updated version with some sfx and music!

Controls were a bit laggy, but other than that the game and idea is good!

Puzzles are very well designed! i got stuck tho :/ Good Luck!

Good luck!

شكرا لك! سوف أجربها بعد قليل

شكرا جزيلا

I loved the art and idea overall! It only needs a bit more polish. Best of luck!

Very creative! My only recommendation is to add some music and maybe make the game a bit easier or forgiving :P Good luck!

Loved the art! Best of luck!

شكرا جزيلا! ولك أيضا

Thanks! Already did and loved it XD

Very fun! I loved the upgrades XD

أحببتها كثيرا! متحمس لأرى كيف تكملها

شكرا جزيلا

Karma 2: Return of The Undead Bugs

Loved the sound effects XD

Very creative and fun!

Very impressive! The game's a bit too difficult but that's okay because "رح تشتاقولي"

One of my favorite submissions from the Leb Game Dev community!

Very cool idea. Best of luck!

Very impressive! Bro fried those chicken


أحببتها كثيرا! وبالأخص تصميم المراحل


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Thankssss XD, I wish we had enough time to polish and explain :( We didn't even get to upload it here correctly. But we will definitely continue working on it later.

Very relaxing and fun!!!!!

I love how simple yet fun this game is! I really enjoyed playing it, and I would love to see a more polished version with more content!

Loved the sound effects! I enjoyed playing this game so much, but i found it very challenging... Good luck in your game dev journey!!!!

I love how straightforward this game is! Loved the art and music, but the movement is too slippery, and the game needs more mechanics and features to increase replayability. Best of luck!

You are absolutely correct! I agree that the current losing condition is not fair and should be changed to something more fun. I considered adding upgrades for the player and adding grass and environmental elements, but did not have enough time.

(1 edit)

There's a lot to love about this game! I love the music, art style, and gameplay in general. However I did find the game pretty laggy and a bit confusing at first. But great work! 

Okay I really love how polished this game is! Loved the concept, but the mechanic of moving the mouse to have better aim did not serve the game in any way, so I think removing it and adding other mechanics would improve it so much! Loved the art style by the way XD

Gotta admit that this is the fun part! XD

Interesting concept! Very simply tho, so definitely add new mechanics and features for future updates.

I enjoyed this game so much! I would like to see new mechanics and puzzle elements in future iterations :)

like more interactable objects and more feedback or "game juice".

hahahahahaha yeahhh thanks XD