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Computer Aided World

A member registered Mar 20, 2017

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- .... .- - / .. ... / .--. .-. . - - -.-- / -.-. --- --- .-..

Liked this game a lot. Keep it up.

Well done game

(1 edit)


This was a super weird game. The Music was sick, really good there. The art, very tasteful, but the battles were really hard, especially the flesh one, also I don't know the amount of damage I'm doing, so much so I couldn't get buy the door.

Though weird glitch, I ran it a second time and it absolutely killed my GPU. Like icons on my desktop stretched at weird angles, my mouse cursor as large as the screen, windows see though, things moving all over the screen, and that thing that would happen if you launched internet explorer on Windows XP and it crashed. It was crazy.

Do you have the music separate?

Anyway, very interesting game.



I signed up just to say I really enjoyed the game. The pure fear I gained as soon as I connected the ticking in the background to the clock above me made me rush inserting and ejecting the floppies, though doing so was futile. Just making people think they have time and then suddenly showing a count down causes a very interesting fear, I guess the fear was rushing only realizing I had 1:00 minute, and knowing I'd never complete it in time. The knowing I would fail and still trying is the interesting feeling. (Though I guess here the clock was supposed to be seen).

Is the name terminal because, not finding or finding a match is *terminal*? Or is the Personal Computer acting as a terminal?

Very good little game.

also I can't read the instruction given with the emulator

I don't have microsfoft office yet my other computer dose but it is extreamly slow

please get back as soon as you can

Hey I was wondering if I was doing somthing wrong but the emulator keeps not reading the roms

if there is any instructions that you could give that are updated or an older verstion that would be great