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A member registered Oct 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Recent community posts

G8: I like the scrolling environment and how the game is played. Got lost very easily. Not sure what the particle on the character is for.

G8: I like the speed and movements of the character. Not sure what the potions are for. The text for loading and winning screen could be updated.

G8: I like the animations and the characters choose. Had issues with using abilities with some characters.

G8: Character design is good, I like the bouncing mechanic if you hold jump down. Power ups are fun to get them all. I like the animation of jumping too.

G8: The UI is clean, I feel like the art in this game all goes together very well. It could use a sound affect for damage I didn't even realize I was dying in the bottom.

G8: Sound affects are very good the movement is nice too. I think the UI should have some text with it to tell what each bar means.

Group 8: Liked the environment built for the game and how its setup. The buttons on the load screen could use moved to center of the page.