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A member registered Nov 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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I just watched your stream of my game and the 'fog of war' you described is a bug, it shouldn't happen.. very ugly and distracting and near unplayable I'd say :( not sure what is happening as I don't get that on my PC. I'll have to look into that more. Thanks for trying it, bug reports like that are of course always helpful.

Controls are usable but could be improved, my main suggestion would be to have it so you can fire without having to click through the f menu, it just feels so clunky whereas the rest of the combat controls are much more intuitive. I enjoy games where I design my own ship so if you make this system shine by having cool and relevant choices here, it could be quite fun to mess around with. Combat is enjoyable but I must be bad at it because I died several times without getting very far lol. The drift mechanic was neat and felt natural after a minute or so.

Game should no longer crash while crafting with newest version.

Thanks for trying. I've updated the game to fix a bug while crafting.

Thanks for trying it out! Good catch  on the crafting bug, should be an easy fix. I do plan on juicing up combat eventually, but your suggestion may be a good short term solution until it is changed.

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I think this has potential. I played with keyboard because I don't have a gamepad for my PC. 

A few points:

- I actually kind of liked the music.... at first, for the first couple of loops. But its loops soo often and there is only the one song it starts to get on your nerves fast.

- Maybe I was just just playing the ez mode level but with all the items around I never felt at risk. There weren't really any stakes.

- I can definitely see why you suggest a controller. with a Keyboard and mouse it is very un-intuitive, but I can imagine it would work much better with a controller. 

Despite these issue I actually did have fun with it and think the basic gameplay idea is solid. If you clean up these things and keep working on it (and I get a controller), then this could be a very fun game.

The most enjoyable part is when you can shoot at the enemies. My biggest suggestion is to add someway to tell how much longer you will have the effects applied to you. Also a way to slow down when you have the speed boost would be nice in some situations.

I don't have a controller so I couldn't really do anything besides basic movement and click-to-attack. which is a shame because based on your gifs and the in game hints it looks like most of your efforts have gone into your combat system. What I could do felt pretty smooth however, so that was good.

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this is all very useful feedback, thank you.  Kudos for playing to completion even though you found it awkward.

Originally I wanted multiplayer but I have since decided to focus on single-player to reduce scope. I am trying to code things in such a way that I could add multiplayer later, but that is easier said than done. Time will tell if that is a fools errand or not.

The guys running around will eventually serve a purpose,  but that functionality hasn't been implemented yet.

I'll give your submission a try a little later thanks again.

Thanks for the feed back and the help with the shop keeper bug (which should be fixed now). I am glad you found it compelling enough to play for a bit. You are quite right there is a lack of direction ATM. It is very much a prototype right now, and the only real goal is to kill the skeleton king in the cave, and this is never actually communicated to the player kek.

I think I have an idea of what this could be.. can I bug you for a bit more info?

What is your screen resolution?

does it happen only when you press e on the shop keep? Every time?

At first glace it reminds me of the superpower series of games, which I am a fan of. This seems complex and without some sort of guide I am afraid I just don't know how to play it. Looks like it could have potential to me, because I enjoy these sorts of games, but this will be a niche market. Good luck.

I found this game to be quite difficult kek. As Donpommelo mentioned it would be helpful to have some sort of indicator of whether or not it is safe to land. There were several times I thought I was moving slow enough to land and was quite mistaken. 

I assume you intend to add some sort of terrain that is more than a white line so I won't say too much on that, my only real gripe about the scenery is it is easy to get lost when you lose sight of the ground/buildings. the first time I came to a large drop I wondered if I had gone off the edge of the world. Then suddenly, BOOM, smack the earth.

Personally I wish there was a way to rotate faster sometimes.  Perhaps the mouse could be used to rotate somehow? thus giving the player finer control.

As I said it is a difficult game (at least for me), but it is satisfying when you start to get it.

++Shoutout to fellow SDL chad!

hmmm... very weird.. thanks for the debugging efforts and info, much appreciated. I am working most the day but when I have some time I'll give your submission a try!

if you are dying to skeletons instead of rats you are making it further than most!

hmmm, very strange. Sounds like it isn't rendering the image properly. Can you tell me anything about your system? windows/mac/linux  processesor, gpu.. Did you notice any other assets that looked bugged? When the game runs it should open a console window as well, can you alt tab to it and see if it says anything?

thanks for the feedback. It sounds like I need an easier starting enemy/area to ease players into the game. Maybe I'll have that ready by next demo day kek. In the mean time here are some tips:

- Dont get surrounded. Run!

- eat apples and berries, the hp regen for each stacks. With both effects active you get 3 hp a second.

I'm going to bed now, I'll give your game a go sometime this weekend fren.

Thanks for giving it a whirl fren. The campfire is the town, the idea is that its a small 'encampment'. Perhaps I should choose a better icon for it, to leave the town you simply walk back to the left. To leave the game.. yea not really a good menu option to quit LOL. alt-tab or alt-f4.

A good start, I liked the way the town and the old buildings looked. Controls are mostly good and intuitive, only thing that got me is it took a little bit for me to clue in I had to put my weapon away to interact with the doors. All in all a good demo, keep it up!

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Thanks for the feedback.

"why not just leftclick to interact with good things or attack bad things?"

For a couple of reasons: 

1. I eventually want there to be more than one action for some game objects so I need a way to have different buttons do different things.

2. I liked the idea of click always attacking to avoid a scenario whereby you are trying to attack and end up doing 'good things' instead. Basically I liked the idea that left click is always unambiguously attack.

Having said all that you are not the first person to say it isn't exactly intuitive, nor are you the first person to kill the shop keeper kek. It looks like I will have to give my control scheme some more thought. In the meantime I think I'll make the shop keeper be a little tougher.

"Second Run I couldnt interact with him again, maybe because I killed him in the first run."

Yikes, this is definitely a bug, thanks for pointing it out!

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"not sure what the hell kind of version of my game you downloaded"

kek, I downloaded the .exe third option. So you are saying there should be a way to interact with things on the keyboard? what key should it be? I've tried e, q, f, palming my keyboard.

EDIT: its space bar kek.

Should have taken a screenshot or something sorry. 

 "A straight-up tutorial isn't on my agenda"

Doesn't have to be a proper tutorial, people familiar with JRPGs should be able to pick it up pretty quickly. Just some light early stuff to get a feel for things before you end up in a multi-page conversation. Also another small suggestion: the ability to press 'E', or some other use key on things instead of just clicking on them. I like moving around with WASD and I found myself wanting a keyboard option to interact with things.

Obviously a fair amount of work went into the dialogue and story building. It does help build the feel of the world and make me feel connected and want to progress which is nice. My only complaint is it gets pretty verbose very quick. I would like to see some basic 'tutorial' type play right at the start just to get my feet wet before jumping right in to the main plot line.

Also I think the code for death is janky, or maybe just unfinished? I couldn't proceed past the message about the big sleep. My own game is even more janky at death so I understand that it's probably not priority #1 rn.

I didn't get very far (died almost immediately after entering the forest) but it was enjoyable until then lol. I did get a monster on my side before I died which was cool.

Press 'E' on shop keeper, apple trees and berry bushes. Click on bad guys

Yea this is still early days for this game. I am not sure I will include the level editor in the end, I just have it there because it is what I use to make the levels and I couldn't be assed to take it out. Figured someone might enjoy messing around with it. 

Thanks for the feedback, I'll check out yours.