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A member registered 32 days ago

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Currently there are two (mostly) developed classes, Warrior and Mystic. You can buy their class books from the shopkeep in the consumables tab, and if you ever want to change classes or reset skill points there are books there for that as well!

No problem! Make sure to stock up on food, spamming it really helps with some rough enemy arenas if you're lazy like me and don't want to wait for your healing spell to recharge, lmao

Hello! Firstly, wanted to say this is easily my favorite 3D RPG game I've played in AGES, most (especially in this style) tend to be "wait for the cooldown, press a skill, then watch a cutscene before moving to the left to dodge the least involved attack pattern ever created, repeat at step 1." This game actually makes you dodge, aim, and all in all actually play a videogame more than most 3D RPGs, and it feels like a fun mix between an MMORPG style combat system and a 3D platformer in the best way. I also want to make it clear that this is all shared out of a place of love for the game, and as constructive criticism, not just picking out little things I dislike. Now, onto the proper feedback!

- Combat is fantastic, as mentioned above. Having more weapons be slightly more differentiated from eachother (Like the flame and ice staves dealing different debuffs, for example) by more than just stats would be a nice touch, but isn't needed. There's only two major gripes I have with combat, and both are pretty much just small balancing/hitbox issues that can easily be changed, besides that I really only think that swapping weapons could be slightly faster out of an attack, as I've noticed myself trying to swap weapons before the cooldown ends because it looks like the animation should have ended already.
- Movement feels great until you need to precisely platform. The dash is just a tiiiny bit too fast/far for most platforms, so all that really needs to change is making the platforms a bit bigger on average. It's not really a difficulty thing, more a mild annoyance when you zip over your intended platform and have to run all the way back up.
- Some drop rates for items feel oddly high, and others feel way too low. For example, the cat ghost enemies drop some really cool gear but you only need to really fight five of them, either expanding the first dungeon to have more of them, or giving them higher drop rates would be great!
- Enemy and NPC designs are great, literally no flaws whatsoever! (except that you can't have little slime pets, they're so cute)
- Character customization is obviously still early in development just like everything else, so more options is a given, but to echo another post and what I shared there, wider waists without larger bellies and more muscular male chests would be nice!

These are basically just small balance tweaks I'd like to see, and besides the two major changes they aren't really necessary at all.
- Invincibility frames are very harsh, you can be shredded by multi-hit attacks incredibly quickly in this game. I actually like how bouncy and knockback/combo-heavy the enemies are in this game, it makes combat feel very back and forth, with you knocking down the enemies and stunning them, then you being juggled around like a basketball in return if you miss your dodge. However, some attacks (Slime diva's "booba" attack is the best example) just shred your HP, without knocking you back or giving many I-frames. Just increasing the number of invincibility frames from some attacks would make a lot of enemies feel more fair. This isn't a major issue, but is a small difficulty tweak that could make combat feel a lot nicer for Melee characters.
- Arrows feel WAY too small and inconsistent. Sometimes I'll be aiming dead-on at an enemy, point blank, and the arrow will just pas right under them, through their model (at least, visually). All this really needs is for arrows to have slightly larger hitboxes, methinks.
- Now, for a final minor gripe, I think that charge attacks feel really awkward, as trying to perfectly time releasing your charged scepter shot as you jump up over a ledge or get out a heavy charge attack (hammer or bell) in general feels a bit too slow and clunky. Some weapons, like the sword, feel fine, but it's still a bit too long of a windup in my opinion.

And those are all of my major thoughts worth sharing! Sorry for the wall of text, but if you read through this, thanks for making such a cool game, Kissef!!! I eagerly await the full version.

On your suggestions:
1) Hard agree on some enemies, but then there are others (like the little ghost cats) that feel like they take ages to respawn. Maybe make certain harder mob arenas spawn enemies slightly less often until you're above their level?
2) Mid-air control is slightly easier once you learn to jump out of dashes, but I do think platforms need to be bigger on average or the depth perception aid needs to be better (bigger shadow?)
3) No comment, not sure if more are planned but I'm pretty happy with the races we have.

Also, to actually help answer the shop question, right click.

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Def agree, wanted to make a super buff guy character to go with my tiny lil bunny gal but it was pretty much just a thinner and flatter version of the female chest model without the boobs. Don't get me wrong, I love me a good twink, but I was hoping for a bit more variety, like a more rounded chest model that flattened out at the front for a big, buff pecs style look. Obviously not a necessity, it has a good variety of shape as is, but it'd be nice!

Quick edit because I forgot something: A waist slider would be nice too! It can look kind of awkward on both sides of the spectrum when you have either a massive bubble butt with a teeny tiny waist, or a near flat rear with a super wide/big chest that's supported by an unfitting hourglass figure. Again, not a necessity with the game's artstyle, but it'd be nice and would add more mid-section variety than JUST the belly!

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Glad to see more weapons for the starter-only classes being added! I can't wait for more bells, they're easily the most satisfying weapon class in the game to me, even if there's only (to my knowledge) one in the game. 

I'd also like to see more variety in how weapons of a single class function, for example a smaller hammer swinging faster but having a weaker ground slam, or the Slime Diva staff slowing enemies down or creating aoe acid pools on charged attacks, for example.

Multiplayer is currently patreon-only, as it requires steams servers to function and the steam version is only accessible via patreon. When the game goes into (i think? >.>) paid Early Access, you'll be able to play multiplayer there without any extra paywall!!