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A member registered Mar 18, 2022

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Good to hear! I agree that it makes sense to focus on breadth over depth at this stage, but it's nice to know I can potentially look forward to Lizzie getting splattered with centaur cum greater depth to the mini-stories further down the line.

Does it look like the temptation scenes are going to stick with 1 per character per room, or will a future update add a "level 2" to them? I ask because several of the scenes in the rooms from v1 seemed pretty foreplay-esque, but everybody's kennel scene seems to be fairly all-out from the start. Obviously any scenes like this could be several updates away, I just wanna know whether I should consider the centaur or the prismheart stories to be 'finished', so to speak.

Also the UI update looks great and I'm really grooving with combat in this version, it's all looking really promising!

(1 edit)

I'm really enjoying the game so far! The mechanics seem like they could get really deep and still be manageable. As long as the margin for error doesn't get too small when you have a whole bunch of rooms, at least.

When I was playing it the main things that stuck out to me as unpolished were interface-related. It took me a long time to realize that I could grab and move the day-night meter, and also I think the secrets symbol should be a little more prominent than the other resources, since it's the main resource for progression. Also, in the "secrets known" tab, when you complete something it changes from a closed lock with red text beside it to a closed lock with green text beside it. Wouldn't it be better to have the icon change to an open lock?

For new rooms I think the gallery, the nap room, and the rabbit circus seem like a lot of fun. I don't know if I feel good about the orc jail, that seems like it's veering into a different and less friendly genre of smut.

Looking forward to v2!