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eMerald Games

A member registered Sep 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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An Amazing game with great gameplay, art-style and music. Very good for timepass. A but puzzling gameplay would make it too awesome :D

Great game, one of the best Indie games I have played. The Unique Gameplay style was so awesome. Hope you will continue the game and make it a big project :D

Thanks <3

Hey guys...
How are you games for the jam coming up ? 8 more days......EXCITED !!!
All the BEAST 

Just let me know if I need to extend the jam by 1 or 2 days if u can't submit on time :)

You like a game, so use that game's idea
example : assassin's creed = stealth and parkour
so, u can make a game with stealth and parkour if u like assassin's creed
Hope this helps
If u don't understand, pls say your language and I will translate :)

but what about sumbitting early too ? you start 2 days early, then submit 2 days before jam ends :D

The game is so awesome

PROS : Arststyle
           : Story 
           : Particle 
           : Music |
           : Ambience
CONS : Too hard 
            : UFO looks weird

So, Hi
The rules have been updated so that : Now you can upload a game you have started making some days ago

Thank you, I would be real happy to credit you (should I credit as : muratcansz)
Also, there is no problem in your english :D

Hi, the models are so COOL, I love it as do my level designer friend...
Can I use it for a game that is 'Free or Donate' ?
Crediting will be of course given :)
if earned, I will donate for this asset also...
Thank you, for helping us and other too :D
Keep up the great work

Yeah, you guessed it nearly correct, it has many reasons player backstory, place being cold, the name feels COOL :D

Hi, Thank you so much :D
Also, it is not a typo, COLDHEART is the game name, but the games takes place in a Fictional town called Coldarth.
Thank you, I will make it more clear :)

I have downloaded, will play :D

The graphics cool, my young bro like these types of games :D

yeah thanks :D My father is managing it. I just asked if I could directly get to my account, due to my cousins' fear of Scam / Fraud. I know itch policies and all. Thank you 

No, I have an adult operating it.

(1 edit)

yeah thanks, I have uploaded it some days ago :D
also, sorry I am not good in German. But I have studied German for 3 years :D
If you want, then I can help, but better if you take someone better :)

thank you. This might help me out :)

yeah that's a point, I though of collecting for 1 year for future projects and PC upgrade etc. I will look into it, Thank you :D

Stripe ain't available. Payoneer also age limit. This is BAD :(
I can't wait 4 more years for this

Hi, I am under 18 and has received payment. I don't have paypal and can't create one till 18. So what should I do ? Stripe ?

Hi, thanks for checking out. The game is FREE for permanent. Also, the game is not available in Steam, just over here in 
Hope this helps :)

thanks :D

can anyone say how to upload as a web game from Ren'Py ?
Thank you :D

(1 edit)

v3 had been released : minimap, bug fix, easier monsters :)

Love this game, played in browser, now downloading :D
I recommend playing Gravity Swap, a different experience.
Thanks to Ellis James for this great game :D

Thank you very much for your Feedback :D

Feb 6 2021, that is tomorrow :D
