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A member registered Feb 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Went out of bounds over this brown wall from the rooftops of the castle. It's quite easy to do but you have to aim for it.

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I loved this game for the 5 first waves, then I was almost insta-killing every enemy.

when I tried to upgrade an already upgraded lazer, the game crashe

When I jump with gravity level 20 I can't see where I am falling

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Idk if I'm well placed to say that but I prefer lerping or damping the velocity than using forces, because the velocity changes gradually, while being predictable for the player and more easily controllable for me.

The  only thing I don't like in this game is the gameplay, which is random like said by ollie_d

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very good game, but the character is not easy to control

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I liked this game. I should say that I watched your series so I don't look at this game the way I look at a random game on itchio.

The controls were juicy and responded quickly. The movement and shaking of the camera felt natural and the cute toy-like character is quite fun to work with.

For the puzzles in themselves, I found some harder than others (like the rightmost one) as I did the puzzles from right to left. Apart from that the puzzles succeeded in being self-contained, independent puzzles teaching the mechanics of the game, while having these "aha" and "what" moments that makes them very entertaining.

Conclusion: Not too much to say about it.

Personally I don't care. Having fun and learning is better than winning.

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Great  visuals and very juicy! It is however a bit difficult (it takes something like a second) to spot the flies, as they're small and blend in with the flowers. And, currently the camera is set in a way that, it does not look like the player is moving, but rather that the ground and the flies are moving... What I mean is that, because the player, the flames of the flamethrower, and the UI all never move on the screen, they look like they don't move... which seems kinda obvious, but in my opinion it's a lot more satisfying if the camera follows the player. watch this for more info:

Didn't find bugs (hahaha) but damn, you have the same  problem as me with your webGL build: it does not run.

Good game. It has great visuals but I don't understand why sometimes I cannot plant while I tap "e" a, am on an empty grass tile and have GROWINGPOOOOWER. Also, I think 1000 GROWINGPOOOOWER is a bit too tough especially for a jam game. I gave up at 100~150.

Some bugs: I can plant two crops at once by spamming "e" and planted a crop on sand. I turn when colliding with the corner of water tiles (that's certainly a problem of constraints in the rigidbody2D component of the player). The music stops after a while

I like it! spamming thunder attacks on innoccent lumberjacks is quite satisfying, and boy does the art and music look good! The only problem I have, is that the thunder sound is a bit saturated, which is annoying when you hear it 20 times a second.

btw my best score is 263.

Good game indeed! The button are half out of my screen on my device (maybe set their x anchor to 0 or 1 and not .5). and there is no score! Maybe you should've submit it a bit later (the 3hrs deadline is  not important) and add a score counter.

apk does not work for windows

To play the game, we actually need the MyProject.exe, UnityCrashHandler64.exe and UnityPlayer.dll files and the MonoBleedingEdge and MyProject_Data folders. Because uploading folders is impossible, I suggest you zip all those files together, and upload the zip file to, so that we can play your game.

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There was a good premise but... there are some problems, mainly:

-you can't die.

-the pixel art look blurred, try setting the "filter mode" of your pixel art textures to "point" instead of bilinear.

-I can see the light blue background on the sides, and there is a small gap between the bottom of the monks' sprites and the ground.

-there is no challenge (you just place the mouse at the left of the tree and click), which makes it boring. It could be solved by making enemies come from all directions, or have the player click them 3 times, etc. (really, these are examples, you can do anything you want, the sky is the limit!)

I'm sorry to be so critic about it, (given that you made it under that time limit is quite impressive), but I thought I should point it out.

Bro, when participating to a jam, you have to submit a game made during that  jam... not 6 months before...

kinda cool. I don't see python games very often, and it's amazing how far you've got even if you've coded it from scratch.

Great game!  funny to see we had almost the same idea! I find the way the player aims quite interesting, but also frustrating in that it is not very precise (only 8 directions) an does make the clumps of enemies overly difficult to get rid of, but overall it added depth, as I was thinking about positioning and when to stop shooting.

Fun game! It's very polished, and has a good sound design.I like its slow, but increasingly fast pace. However, quite often the flowers overlap. And near the end, there are sfx of flowers while there are none on the screen, which made the game impossible to loose (I earned more than a hundred points while writing this comment).

Very juicy and well polished! I'm a bit sad my keyboard doesn't register more than 2 inputs at a time, which made the game near impossible to me. Btw sometimes the 2 arrows overlap, which is not a problem if we use the 2 shields at once, but nonetheless can be quite frustrating because we only see one.

I think I see what level you're talking about...

Thanks for pointing out these issues and qualities!

thanks for the feedback!


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Thanks for the feedback!

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Thank you for the feedback!!!

By far the best game I played in this jam! I love the gameplay, the audio, the ui.. even the minecraft texture feel natural! If I were to say the issues I found, it would be the absence od a "retry" button in each level after you win, for those who want a better score. 

Some minor bugs:

 -when I tap the death button right after the beginning, capibaras are exploding out of nowhere (at the center of the screen)

 -when I throw a capibara out of the screen (by lauching it up with a stone) it doesn't come back and nothing happens that let me think it's dead.

 -the level 13 button is not working

Thanks for the kind words! I'll play your game right now

Fun game! It has good visuals and sfx. and It is satisfying to blow everything up.

However, I was stuck on the first level (which is a bit frustrating). Maybe reducing the number of points needed, or change the way they're counted.

P-S: on the main menu and the intro, I can see the camera's background, which breaks the immersion

local multiplayer is indeed a good idea (It would be better than playing against a dumb AI).  I thought of it but I was afraid of running out of time...

I will play your game in a moment...

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I really am bad at juding difficulty and I didn't have playtesters so... I was expecting it. Thank you for confirming it!

Great game! I can see the hard work you put into the visuals, the ui, the audio and the game and level design!

But I think there are a couple minor problems:

 -the 90° rotation is very chaotic and each time I totally loose the sense of direction, which is nice, but I think it should be more obvious that a rotation happened (like, turning a bit smoothly or adding some visual effect so that the player knows something happened): I thought at start I was teleported!

 -there are a lot of times I don't know where I have to go 

 -the hidden ennemies are fun and surprising, but there is a moment when there is like 15-20 zombies at the same spot, I (and my computer too) cannot manage this.

Very good game indeed! Your visuals and music are awesome. There is a lot more good things to say but I am not good at this (sorry). I can however say what issues I found.

Here are them:

 -in the third level, if you walk on the moving platform, and it goes up, you will go into the wall.

 -I was aiming a button with a ball (level 3, on the platform that moves vertically), but I died without knowing what hit me. I just couldn't pay attention to the bottom and the top of the screen at the same time. After doing the same thing, I realised it was the hammer that hit the robot. I don't say it is an important issue, but it can lead to frustration. Maybe some death vfx or sfx would help?

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It would be cool if you could test my game! I had very few platesters (in fact, only one that played 2 minutes).

Here it is: Boomsplat by elimera (

It's a platforming/shooting game where the bullets bounce and act like physics objects. There is also a battle mode where you have to throw your opponent out of the fighting area.

It is definetly a bug

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the best game I played in this jam for the moment! waiting for the division, powers and roots (we'll come to complex numbers!)

I think my computer is too slow to run your game at more than 5FPS