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The roommate is kinda hardwired to hate you, unfortunately. You can always cheat to get a positive relationship with them, but they still won't really want to hang out with you or be your friend because they're a Special Character, and their role in the story is set to be antagonistic. Maybe one day there will be a storyline to befriend them!
You can do CollegeCams streams with both NPCs and The E-Girl!
For regular NPCs: they have to be your sexual partner (don't have to be romantic partner, but can be) and have a good relationship
with you + the Exhibitionist trait. Then on the screen where you
pick your outfit before going live on CollegeCams there should be an option to invite them. Note that your own
Exhibitionism skill has to be at least 6 or 7 to do anything with them, tho.
For the E-Girl: there is a whole quest where, at the end of it, you
can stream on CollegeCams with her every Saturday. You have to join the Esports team, be a Niche streamer, AND a CollegeCams streamer. Eventually she will approach you about
streaming together, which unlocks doing Niche streams with her on
Saturdays. Keep doing that and with high enough skills (Charisma OR
Exhibitionism OR Assertiveness, don't need all 3) you will eventually persuade her to join you on CollegeCams.
I have some theories but nothing concrete. For a guy you might have to raise friendship with the guys passing out milkshakes for them to slip up and say something they shouldn't? And raising the BFF's lust stat may be a requirement in furthering the relationship with them, tho I can't confirm that. Try inviting the BFF on hangouts at the arcade or gym or to study while wearing skimpy clothing and not wearing underwear! Then if you're still waiting on the event when going to your dorm at night you can try just walking back and forth from the hallway to your dorm till it triggers, that's what I did 😂
There are 2 different ways: the quad party storyline, or the dorm room storyline
Quad Party: Differs if you're a girl/fem or guy/masc character. For a girl character you need to get some sexual experience (specifically experience swallowing during oral so you can notice something is up with the milkshakes). For a guy you need to get a scene where one of the guys passing out milkshakes says something weird.
Then go in and out at the party till you get an option to investigate a noise.
Dorm Room: Take a shower in the morning to possibly trigger a random event with the BFF. A week or 2 later another event can trigger when going from the hallway to your dorm room late at night.
After completing EITHER of these (you don't have to do both!!) just keep visiting your BFF in the evening and talking about sex.
There are events where you can flash people in town, and people react if they notice you're not wearing a bra/underwear. There's also a chance for someone to steal your underwear when you shower in your dorm room. But that's about it afaik.
If those are the kinds of things you like tho, I recommend you check out Degrees of Lewdity if you haven't already.
Without spoiling too much (and only based on my vague recollection, bc I honestly don't like these characters much so I only did this once a long time ago):
Keep completing the challenges the roommate's partner gives you. Eventually you may get an event where there's a sock on your dorm room's handle. Go in anyway and interrupt your roommate.
A week or two after this event the partner will come into the dorm room uninvited and ask you something. Be truthful with them. This will prompt another scene where you can choose how things play out (basically whether you wanna be dominant or submissive with these two).
A week or two after THAT event and when entering your dorm room you may get the chance to make your little throuple official, either being a sub for both of them or dom over your roommate along with their partner.
I just tried buying compression pants and wearing them around town, with and without underwear, and it worked fine for me. They were in the bottoms category of the closet and counted as pants, but there was an Exhibitionism check to leave the dorm room wearing them without underwear. Is it possible your Exhibitionism skill is just too low?
You can become poly through cheats (Options -> Difficulty Options -> Enable cheats, then Character -> Character Inclinations -> Type in "Polyamorous" and press Grant)
Or you can date the BFF (follow the quad storyline to its current conclusion, or take a shower in the morning to possibly get a scene that will start an alternative route to romance the BFF then keep talking about sex until you get another scene, and you will then get a "what are we?" talk with the BFF where you can choose to be poly.)
Get your professors to like you, then ask for extra credit. They can give one of 4 tasks: Help at the clinic, the psychology class, the art class, or the library. Helping at the library can eventually lead you to the library's basement, where there's a lot of BDSM equipment.
Continue helping at the library and building up your compliance and/or assertiveness traits. Eventually the librarian talks about having BDSM meetings every Saturday and gives you an invitation if you want to come. I've only triggered this once on a save where my compliance was 4 or 5 and I was someone's sub, but apparently you can also join if you're a dom and you have a sub.
There are two methods here: Wait for them to ask you, or ask them yourself. Waiting is pretty self explanatory, just keep dating them and eventually after a successful date they may bring up becoming official. This can take a while tho!! Like, possibly weeks of ingame time.
And if you want to ask them: look at their schedule on their profile. Go to where they are in the evening and find them in the People tab. You should be able to approach them to talk, and you can propose a relationship from there.
Do note that depending on the NPC's inclinations and personality they might not want a relationship! They may very well say they're not ready or not looking for anything serious! It depends on the NPC.
It should be currently possible to overpower NPCs!! iirc it should alert you that they are trying to move you/remove your clothes the turn before they do it, and you have the option to resist them doing that (physical skill check) or ask them not to (charisma skill check).
You also have the option to ask for the positions/acts you want or to physically move your partner into the position you want. If they try to resist it comes down to a physical skill check: if you win, you overpower them and move them into the position you desire.
Use cheats to give her one of the Exhibitionist inclinations (the levels are Lewd Exhibitionist, Cautious Exhibitionist, Proud Exhibitionist, and Helpless Exhibitionist).
Then start a CollegeCam stream from your dorm room like normal. On the screen where you can pick your outfit and toys there should be an option to invite her to join you if your skills are high enough. I think your own Exhibitionism skill needs to be at least 5 to undress them for the camera, 6 to do oral on them/have them do oral on you, and 7 to have sex with them on camera.
Yes! If you have a good enough relationship with someone with the Exhibitionist trait there will be an option to invite them to stream with you on CollegeCams (on the screen where you select your outfit and toys). iirc you need 5 Exhibitionism to strip them for the camera, 6 to do oral on them or have them do oral on you, and 7 to have sex with them.
Dating the BFF isn't just about raising their lust, they're a special character so there are storylines to romancing them. Right now there are two options: the quad party line, and the dorm room event line.
Quad Party: Keep going to the quad party on Hanna South Road every Friday. Eventually you'll be prompted to investigate the milkshakes the boys keep giving out (if you're also a boy one of them will say something suspicious, if you're a girl you have to drink them and notice a strange flavor). Then go in and out of the building till there's an option to investigate a strange noise. Do that and get a scene with the BFF.
Dorm Room Events: Take a shower in the morning, and you may randomly get an event with the BFF. After you get it wait about a week and you can randomly get another event when going from the hallway to your dorm room. Choose to help them and get another scene.
After EITHER of these storylines (you don't have to do both) keep visiting them in the evening to talk about sex. Things will escalate until you and BFF have the "what are we?" talk, and you can choose to date them.
If you work at Quickieburger or the River Rat customers may occasionally ask for sexual favors, and you can ask for money in return.
At Quickieburger customers sometimes ask "so how much for a quickie?" and if your disinhibition is high enough you can give an amount, and they may take you up on it. At the River Rat they may ask for your underwear, or oral, or a thigh job, or full sex, etc.
edit: It's been in the game so long I forgot about it but idk if you know: You can also bet money at the arcade. If you lose the winner may do sexual things to you. And every weekend there's a video game tournament and if you lose then you either have sex with the person who takes #1 or orally service everyone who does better than you. You get paid for doing either one.
I feel like there should be an option to snub people. Like, I like the option to socialize with people before class, but it doesn't make sense that my character should try every day to talk to someone who clearly hates them and bullies them.
It also makes it hard to lose friendship with people if they make you mad (I'm looking at you, friend who keeps telling everyone I blew him. You don't get to stay my friend if you keep interrupting class to tell people that!)
So maybe a toggle on their info page where we can decide if we're mad at/avoiding them? And then when it comes time to socialize before class they won't show up in the people we try to strike up conversation with, or we ignore them if they do.