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A member registered Sep 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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The next update marking the end of ALPHA phase is coming slowly but surely! Make sure you to share you suggestions and eventual bug reports in the following days/weeks if you have some! ;)

The latest update brought the possibility to adopt a pet and take care of it via Feeding and Playing actions on the Pet page of the Inventory.
Share your impressions and eventual advice about the Pet System on this topic. 

To acquire a pet, you need to collect roughly 1500 gold and head to the exotic menagerie in Hellyon Undergrounds. 
If you are interesting in testing it but can't manage to get that much gold, DM me on discord. 

Comment on this topic to share your feedback and discuss about the game's main mechanics

(1 edit)

Elders World

Elders World logo

Elders World is a text-based RPG made with Twine in which you explore an alternate universe in a medieval, steampunk vibe. 
I'll add more details upon official launch, but would hate to spoil some stuff to soon. :) 

The developement of this ambitious projectwith Twine started in late March 2023, with regular advancements since then. That being said, I've been imaginating and writing about the universe and various stories that takes place into it for a few years now. Before the official launch point,  it'd be amazing to gather some feedback and eventual suggestions from the community and players.  
You can find more information on the Introduction Dev Log of the Itch page, as well as in the in-game Changelog and Credits pages.

Your help by sharing your impressions and experience with the game is highly valuable and appreciated! 
It allows to further test and refine the main systems and mechanics, so that those are settled for the official launch. 
After which, content will be added monthly, but building upon the existing foundations. Maybe even add some cool features you may suggest! (You'll be credited for your ideas of course).

Feel free to explore, for a few minutes or longer and try out the various things already available:

Thank you so much for your consideration and for trying out Elders World! <3