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A member registered Dec 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Cool game. I kept dying fairly quickly, but I'm also bad at these kinds of games, so I'll have to keep trying until I get the hang of it. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out!

The volume setting didn't seem to work, and I had a hard time figuring out how fast I was going or how much damage I had taken, but I think that'll be fine once the HUD is finished.

Good job. Think the concept is pretty funny, and trying to find secrets in the map is always fun.

The weapon switching felt a little awkward, but I think that's more my brain kind of defaulting to Doom controls. The time limit also felt really strict, but I don't think you could raise it too much without losing the challenge.

Really enjoyed the art style, and overall a fun game. I also liked that Otto wasn't shown on the mini-map, so you needed to listen for him.

It did seem a little too quiet before Otto started showing up. The movement also felt a bit on the slow side, but I think that's more my personal preference. 

Thank you. 

Definitely agree on the walls and their triggers. I'll have to try a few things with them to see what looks and feels best.

As for the spiky walls, I'm assuming you mean the ones at the entrance to the rooms? I probably should've just made those a normal gate or door type graphic since they don't really do anything but show that it's blocked off.

Otto was intended to be unstoppable like in the original game, but for that to not feel unfair he would need some changes. I'm also thinking maybe it could some kind of difficulty setting, where on normal mode he could be stunned or something like that, and leave the unstoppable version for a harder difficulty.