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A member registered Mar 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

Hey there, I'm Eggy. I'm 20 years old and currently a 2nd-year Computer Engineering student. I have 6 months of experience with Unity and 1 month with Godot. I'm also in the early stages of learning OpenGL.

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Game clearly failed on UI and SFX as other people also pointed. I'll be focusing more on those on my future jam games, Thank you for your feedback!

Thanks for playing and giving feedback, I'll consider your points in my next jam game!

I totally agree on the audio/music thing, we joined jam when only 4 days were left so didn't have time to add sfx and music to everything, I'm not sure if you clicked on tutorial button in the menu which explains what everything in the ship does, We tried making a bit challanging game so that could be why it was hard to undertstand or play at first, Thank you for your time trying and reviewing the game.

It fits the theme well, I'd say shooting from 2 different guns in constant switching is a nice mechanic since you drag enemies when you hit them so you have to move accordingly to follow your hit, It seems fun but it wasn't very challanging, 

It fits the theme well, I'd say shooting from 2 different guns in constant switching is a nice mechanic since you drag enemies when you hit them so you have to move accordingly to follow your hit, It seems fun but it wasn't very challanging, 

Great game overall, i enjoyed it, but i'm not so sure about how this fits the theme.

Great game! big props to artists, this art is unexpectedly good for a gamejam

(1 edit)

VoidSurvivor is a survival game where you have to manage 3 panels in your ship and survive the dangers of the void.


  • A, D: Player Movement
  • W, S: Change power points between Shield and Laser while controlling the Middle Panel


  • Bug Monsters: Will instantly destroy the spaceship on contact.
  • Laser Projectiles: Increase score if hit by the laser.
  • Stone Golem: Will appear and throw projectiles towards the spaceship which deal damage if not blocked by the shield protection system.

Special thanks to:

A5ync - Programmer

Fremger - Art (ig:synpheus_pinkfloydi)

I'll give it a try, will share the source code if i could manage to make it work.

Is there a way to attach this in a project and generate random planets from seeds everytime i load a scene in godot?

(1 edit)

This is an angry birds inspired rocket game where you have to destroy enemy lands while controling your rocket, also watch your fuel.


Space : Rocket Boost

A, D : Horizontal Movement