The concept is very cool, with an high hilarity potential if developed further! Reading the source I have discovered a lot of funny NPC interactions that I missed in my 'perfect run'. Clever!
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It's a good example of a well structured short inform game.
Bugs Spoiler warning
It’s possible to type ‘burn pack’ (of cigarettes) on every room, the description will talk about the detector anyways, and the pack will remain in the inventory.
The mechanism of climbing on the chair to reach the vent is a bit awkward, I’d suggest to accept ‘climb chair’ and/or ‘put chair under vent’.
I think I liked where the plot was going (did you mean to have some sort of 'groundhog day' game?). It's clearly unfinished, I hope you'll work on it a little more!
The only really annoying thing it's the 'n' command, usually reserved for navigation, but in this game means 'say no to someone'. The cafe should have an exit direction also.
Keep it up!
Hi! Your game is very immersive and lively. I've had a good time exploring it. However, there are some issues that put the game in unwinnable state in a way that's not immediately evident.
Spoiler warning
The MRI Scanner can be activated only once in the game, so it’s clear what will happen if the player does it before the endgame. I think this is a major bug. The average player will be extremely frustrated at the endgame and will certainly not restart the game from the beginning at this point.
The safe combination seems to be randomly generated, but it’s not saved in the game persistent state. It’s regenerated on every restore and every time the player rewinds the tape and replays the message.
That’s a minor one: If the player puts the ledger in the backpack before entering the “Main Hallway @ Dumbwaiter” room, then the “enemy pursue” state will not be triggered. That’s the ONLY room that will trigger the pursue, so the player will roam indefinitely without resolution, even when the ledger gets shown to other NPCs in other rooms.
Thank you very nuch fior this great feedback! No time left fir audio unfirtubately, and for other things. I"m working on finishing it.
Terrain sucks and i will renove it.
No narraror for you! Its my challenge to convey meaning through npc speaking/envirobnent and your challenge to figure it out!
Otherwise it could be not itriguing enough with too much exposition.
Thank you again!