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Editor for hire

A member registered Jun 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey devs, programmers, and artists. Is your team looking to polish a game's text, or refine that intro that's just a bit too long? Having trouble with English localization, or just find yourselves using the same words too often? Contact me and we can talk details. I'm willing to work on any size project so long as the creators are passionate about what they do and are truly seeking to create something special. 

If you're worried about costs, feel free to reach out anyway. I'm happy to give advice for anyone trying to improve their craft. That said, I do have limited time, so hit me up before I'm booked again.

A little about my experience: I've worked on everything from passion project TTRGs with no funding to formal multi-million dollar proposal requests for colleges. I've written news articles, short stories, and scripts for videos by the hundreds. I've edited text files for pixel art games, novels, and content for counseling web pages. If it catches my interest (or if the price is right) I will wordsmith anything. 

@despiteful You've created a great sim. Solid mechanics and a lot of interesting paths. Great job!

If you are interested, I could help with the grammatical errors. As this would be the first game I edit on, I would be happy to demonstrate my capabilities for free. Let me know if you would be interested by replying here or contacting me on twitter (@Editor_for_hire).