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Edalyn Hanlyn

A member registered 32 days ago · View creator page →

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What is your favourite part of the test? though short it may be.

Hey all. Thank you for trying out the small piece of our game. We are a team of 2 developers and we are very passionate about this. If you have any extra feedback or just want to talk about the game. Feel free to contact me here. Thank you :)

Risk It Biscuit is a 2D retro style pixel platformer set in a world consisting of all things sweet and wholesome.  You play as Biscuit Boy, a fragile biscuit traveling the soda oceans to attend his first day at a prestigious university in another cotenant. Little does he expect the journey he embarks is full of dangerous responsibilities.. Finding spiritual friends who want to help him carry them out.
We are currently needing testers to try out the introduction section of our game. This is before the tutorial level starts. When your player character turns invisible, this is when the test is meant to end.

Try out and test Risk It Biscuit here!