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A member registered Dec 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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I love the art style. I love the gameplay. I love the music.

♫ I'm the giant rat that makes alll of da rules ♫

10/10 GOTY

This is so wholesome and wonderful. I love the art and the game mechanic of collecting little friends to follow around each other. Overall It is an expressive and relatable experience, you did such a great job.

Thanks so much definitelymango! I really loved your game Heart to Heart. It really made my morning playing through it <3

Thanks for playing and your feedback naver! I feel audio design is something I struggle to level out sometimes, so I appreciate your feedback so I can keep it on my radar next game jam. Thanks again!

Thanks evgenidoudar!

Hello everyone! I am a 3D artist that uses Maya, Unity, and the Substance suite to create environments/video games. I can work on 2D art and Unreal projects too, but 3D and Unity are my go-to for game jams. Let me know if you would be interested in collaborating! 



Great job Jonny! I had a lot of fun playing this and the time really flew by. I would love to see it with different levels and more monsters in the future if you continue developing this idea!

Thanks a ton Jonny! Great minds think alike huh? haha

I haven't had the opportunity to play any game jam games just yet, but I am real excited to play yours over this coming weekend! 

I agree about the arrow keys. I feel like I should have included that control in case of different play styles.  

Again, thanks a ton, and I look forward to playing your game! I'll be sure to leave a comment expressing my admiration. 

All the best,
