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A member registered Oct 12, 2022

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ohh I think he's one of those who hide

(2 edits)

Can you tell me the way to the hellhound hideout? I have found his hideout but don't know the way because she is hiding on the hill

and he said *you can do it again*

I did it twice because I couldn't find the way and when I was on my way out and when I clicked there was a notification that I could do it again

ooh, but the second time I got it, was it a bug or an error?

can you only do the hide and seek in Orchel village twice? because when I start the third time my screen goes black, is there an error or something? but I can still unlock items


I'm already out of the black screen I thought of another way with the teleport orb and I succeeded

(2 edits)

I just walked to the village of Orchel and started a game of hide and seek with the twins and when I started it

my screen was black and I reflexively saved because I thought if I saved it the screen would come back and when I restarted the game the screen would stay black can anyone help me?

(i play on android)