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Drew Abegg

A member registered Jan 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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The trick for me was to use at least two bees to fight each wasp. You can attack much quicker and block their path forward.

Unbeelievable! Tightly beesigned, very engaging, and doesn't sting the eyes, either. best insect-based jam game i've ever played!

I wanna put this here so we don't lose it:

322. Very well executed! It says something about you UX when you can get a player to click 300+ times. Number get bigger, I get happier.

A tasty, bite sized adventure! It was a little underbaked, and perhaps a bit derivative of familiar dishes. But it does have a hint of its own flavor, and isn't bad for a home-cooked meal. 

My complements to the chefs! Can't wait for the next course!

I can't think of a food metaphor for this but the audio is really nice. I was pressing the pause button over and over to hear that lil click with juuuuust enough delay!

2:02 lets goooo

1.7 speedrun thread:

One more thing: make sure to package in shipping mode next time! That will get rid of the debug text in the top left.

Also, make sure to package in shipping mode next time! That will get rid of the debug text in the top left.

Quality stuff! Not only is it playable, it's gameplay is pretty deep. It gets good once it get's going, but the beginning is rough. Right off the bat, I was a bit confused about how to begin. I was clicking around the very dense UI to no avail, and I couldn't move. I had to be told to buy the mine first, but I'm not sure I would've figured that out on my own. For much of the early game, I was essentially playing bumper carts with the enemies waiting for more money, and then I died :(

This was all before being told how to play, however. Once I got insider info (buy like 50 mines) the game really got going. I don't really have any gameplay issues after this point. It's fun! And the party mode and splash text are absurd!

Each bit of art is nice on their own, but there's a noticeable lack of cohesion. Given the complexity of the game, the UI was pretty well organized, although I think more visual emphasis should be put on vital parts like the mines and thrusters.

Music is a banger as always!!! Feels cool, has a satisfying stucture, and loops nicely. One complaint: after a few minutes of gameplay, the harsh synth does get a little grating.

Good work, you've got yourself a playable game!

I like the character art, and the end screen is pleasant to look at. However, I have some issues: 

The gameplay is monotonous, and prone to softlocking. The traps feel entirely unfair. Accidentally bumping into the side of a still rock doesn't feel like a good way to go out :( rip. I would've liked some more checkpoints, too.

I heard that there's a decent amount of story/lore in the game, but I never found any of it.

Good work everyone! The game turned out well! 

I especially liked the environment art. It was simple, but very effective. The Enemies were cute, I like. I would've liked to see more work done on the UI, most of it was the default font. 

The gameplay is good in concept, but lacked in execution. I found that I hardly used the turrets, and I never found out what two of them do. There's no visual feedback when you fuel the turrets, so I found myself wasting a lot of time holding E. 

I'm sure you're aware of this, but the AI navigation is busted at one point, so the challenge is significantly reduced. Also, I survived 10 minutes, but when the timer ran out, it said that the temple collapsed and I died. Why? Whaddididooo???

An intriguing beginning, but incomplete. Its possible that I missed something, but in my playthrough, I was never able to finish the game or solve the mystery. I interacted with the environment in every way I could think of, but the story never progressed past exposition. 

From what I did see, however, it's not bad! Each art asset looks good on it's own. But in the game, there's a lot of white empty space. 

The writing seems solid, but I need to know how the story ends!

pretty nice art! unfortunately, I don't really have anything else to say. It seems the game is just a walk through four screens without an ending. The description mentions a key that I never found. Hopefully I'm not missing anything.
