I'm loving this game! This is the first time I feel comfortable with the turning mechanic in a 3d game thanks to the beeps in different directions. However, I can't understand clearly what's happening. Y try to turn until I have a sound centered but apparently I'm constantly bumping in to walls.
Is it possible to add a learn game sounds menu? I'm totally blind, Perhaps I can explore better if I know what is what, specially sounds that indicate walls, available space to walk after exploring a narrow zone, platforms to jump, pits. Wall sounds would be useful flying, the constant beep will stop if the robot is above it's height.
Update: I played the game with a sighted person and I discovered some things:
*What I thought that were a collision sound effect is actually the apparatus walking.
*I couldn't track materials correctly because Windows activated the mono sound without my knowledge,so the echolocation really works as expected. Sorry for that mistake.
*the world doesn't have walls, obstacles or things apart from the materials, at least the first planet. This kind of explanations would be really useful to have in the manual or in a perception so a blind person can imagine how the level layout is build.
This is really an awesome experience! I hope these suggestions should be useful in future games or updates.