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Drake Graves

A member registered Jan 02, 2016 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Yeah, there are so many good things about this game. You really took a few simple ideas and balanced them together well. I also really appreciate that the main character is not a white dude, even if it's a minor detail given by the title screen. Be proud of yourself, this is really good

(1 edit)

how do I choose the song and start playing?

EDIT: Scratch that - re:i'm dumb

the theme and the art are so great.

I want to

  • finish a game for once
  • keep it small and simple
  • meet some friends.

Sounds like everyones first goal is to finish their game.

Why is it so hard to finish a game? For me, I think it's being a perfectionist about it. I don't want to do it unless it's good, and it's hard to make it good, so I lose interest.