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A member registered Nov 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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I just finished watching the latest addition to the Chasing Sunsets visual novel. When I saw Eva in it, and then your main character, I was just shocked. This is a smart move on your part, a great decision! The illusion is created that the action of both novels takes place in the same world and this world blooms with additional colors. Speaking figuratively, he finds life. I am very grateful to you for your creativity, and I am also grateful to your colleagues from Stone Fox Studios. What you do - your novels, make the life of your readers better. They make us think about those things that pass by our attention in ordinary life, and perhaps they will help someone to become a more understanding person who perceives other people's feelings and problems with his heart. Thank you again! Keep creating, ignore the critics, create your own beautiful worlds.

Thank you for the detailed answer. Apparently I can't be a sufficient "asshole" even in the game, and this pleases me.


And please tell me how scene 18 of the fourth day opens, when Jack is talking to Eve in the kitchen in the evening. I can't approach this conversation in any way.

I would be grateful in advance if you have time to answer my questions.

(2 edits)

Dear Captain, using the list of paths that you provided me earlier, I tried to go through all 18 options. But there were closed pictures in the achievements tab.


- day 2 row 2 achievement 5

- day 3 row 1 achievements 1 and 5

- day 4, row 1, achievement 5, row 2, achievement 2 and row 4, achievement 3

- day 5, row 1, achievement 1, 4, 6, row 2, achievement 1, row 4, achievement 1

- day 6, achievement 3, row 2, achievement 5 and row 3, achievements 1 and 4.

I don't understand what this is related to.

Maybe it's because I went some way using old saves?

Please tell me how to open these achievements.

Finally I was able to pay and get the game. It turned out after . They give a direct link to, but their payment page is expanded, with a link to the payment address, which is on No. Apparently, the need to specify it is really related to the country of my residence. As soon as I filled it out, the payment went through and the download link appeared. I'm downloading it now. AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WORK!


Eighteen!!! Cool! And I thought I had found almost all the options. Apparently I was wrong and very seriously. Now I have calculated that I have opened ten tracks.

Could you list all the tracks so that I can try to find them on my own? If it is certainly possible and does not violate your plans. I would be very grateful to you.

And with the administration . I have already tried to contact, unfortunately useless. Perhaps this is due to the difficulties of transferring money between our countries. I live in Russia. Maybe that's the reason.

This morning I tried to pay again. There is no result. This is the first time I've come across this. And I really want to continue playing.

Good afternoon. I discovered your game two weeks ago. I've been spending every evening with her ever since. I'm trying to go through all the possible options. But I still can't open some images. Tell me how many options there are for passing the game and what they are. I will be very grateful to you. Today I tried to download v0.6.1b, but for some reason the payment from the card does not go through. The transaction doesn't even start. The mobile bank also does not see the payment request. Tell me what the problem may be.