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Eighteen!!! Cool! And I thought I had found almost all the options. Apparently I was wrong and very seriously. Now I have calculated that I have opened ten tracks.

Could you list all the tracks so that I can try to find them on my own? If it is certainly possible and does not violate your plans. I would be very grateful to you.

And with the administration . I have already tried to contact, unfortunately useless. Perhaps this is due to the difficulties of transferring money between our countries. I live in Russia. Maybe that's the reason.

Here is a list of the available paths at the moment.
I'm not sure the code name I use will make sense to you but it may give you a hint about how to achieve them.

Eve Solo Love
Cassie Solo Love
Cassie Failed Love
Kelly Solo Love
Eve Solo Sublove
Eve Solo Hard Sub
Cassie Solo Dom
Cassie Solo Dom Redemption
Dual Love (Eve Love + Cassie Love)
Dual Sub (Eve Sub Love + Cassie Dom)
Weird Triangle (Eve Love + Cassie Dom)
Dual Dom (Eve Hard Sub + Cassie Dom)
Moronic hero
Psychotic Knight
Evil Asshole

+ 2 paths that do not have an official name yet :
(Eve Sub Love +Cassie Love)
(Eve Hard Sub + Cassie Love)

Some of these paths are very similar for now.