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A member registered Feb 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I have 6 ratings but all comments are mostly nice with constructive critism  so that's good -

Thanks for your comment. Good idea, would make the game less frustrating.

Thanks for your comment, maybe it's not clear but the idea is that Timmy is grounded so is using the other dimension to sneak out to Jimmy's house.

Fun but very short game, enjoyed playing it but wish it was longer. I really like the art style.

Hi, if you want to give my game a go and leave a rating plus comment I will rate yours. Thanks. My game is -

Thanks so much for playing, this comment has made my day :). Yeah, I agree about the dimensional window, it was hard to implement properly at the start and I wanted to come back to it too improve it but didn't get time. Some more time spent working on it in the future should improve this part of the game :).

From the Game Page Description - 

"Hop Between Worlds" is an exciting and imaginative game that follows the story of Timmy, a bored and grounded child stuck at home. In his quest for excitement, Timmy stumbles upon a mysterious app on his phone that opens up a portal to another dimension. Little does he know that this dimension leads him straight to Jimmy's house!

Embark on a thrilling journey as Timmy navigates through this newly discovered dimension. Your mission is to traverse the world using the red platforms strategically placed within the second dimension. Leap, jump, and overcome obstacles to reach Jimmy's house, which is cleverly marked by a blue marker on Timmy's phone.

Discord: dombrett


Very Funny xD

(1 edit)

Made for HON game jam where the theme was dying is good.