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A member registered Aug 28, 2015 · View creator page →

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Great game! I have been watching your dev logs for a while and it is nice to see a dev from youtube actually complete an enjoyable project. Please keep making some great youtube videos and most of all keep making games.

Braid is a famous 2D puzzle platformer with a time-reversal mechanic.

Due to the difficulty of the theme, I think that a large number of people will only interpret the theme on a very surface level. Instead of being creative, they are most likely going to implement a variation of a simple time-reversal mechanic and some annoying puzzles.

Although I do agree that the theme is very restricting, it is most likely intentional. Since a restrictive theme necessitates that you be more creative when interpreting the theme.

"Rewind" doesn't require you to interpret it as rewinding time, you have to be creative and find synonyms and other uses of the word rewind. Such as rewinding a VHS tape, or you could interpret it as something going backward; it doesn't have to be the time itself.