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of course,  and we hope to use your software to run things around!

Cursed and straight to the point!

Good job on raising awareness about what we are buying and that most of us are stuck on supermarket goods whose origins we cannot trace back to. 

Immersive, fun, and nails the theme of the jam. Good job!

This game has a vibe!

Cruising on the quiet highway with the music (that blends so well btw) and spreading the message. 

The only feedback is that the player can be positioned better when the game starts because i haven't seen the van first and just went by foot until the morale went down - but that could be only me :)

Once I figured out all the mechanics it was really fun to drive around and to do a job. Good job - nice aesthetics, great game! Keep on creating!

Very good and very polished game!

The complexity of the sheets and constant decision making made me feel soulless and capitalisty :)

Good job and I appreciate the effort put into this one!

Thank you Yomissmar!

It makes my day when I see people understand what I was going for with this project, makes the whole thing worth it.  I'm glad to get the message across.

Very grateful that you took the time to play it and that you liked it!

(1 edit)

It is a fair thing to point out. Hope I haven't made anyone mad or concerned about this. The goal was not to cheat, but to express the idea and focus, learn, and improve on other game design aspects. A (shitty) 3D AI assets just sped up the process to make my vision a reality, due to the short amount of time I had to dedicate to this project. Not to make excuses, but since I'm using AI in my day to day work (coding) I assumed it was fine to generate some game art as well. Later by browsing other jams I found out that it may not be ok. So once again, I'm sorry if this made anyone worried and didn't break any spirits, because the spirit and the support of the jammers is the best thing about game development in my opinion.

What you experienced is not a bug, the game is just very short :) I just had the time to package the main game mechanic into one scene, and by reading comments on this page it makes me happy that I made a point with it! If I had more time I would give it some more emphasis and more scenes to explore, which would make it more immersive.

Thank you for taking the time to play my game (twice hahah) and for your feedback! :)

I think it's just important to be on the same page here. There is a possibility of someone creating a theme, or a drum track with the AI and put in in the project.

It wouldn't hurt just to state clearly something like -  generating sounds with AI is (or is not) allowed. Something like some jams do for AI game assets, sometimes they are permitted if compose the game yourself, and sometimes any use of AI art is prohibited.

With the tools like widely now available, what is your position on the usage of the AI generated music? There's nothing in the rules regarding that.

TL;DR - Let's make a Music Jams feature inspired by the game jam competitions!

The motivation behind this post comes from the awesomeness that is a game dev community. The feedback and the support you're getting when participating in the game jams are some of the most positive things on the internet.

The idea is to create small niche communities that would get around a music genre and in the same fashion as in the game jams - compete, get feedback, and support each other in their music-making journey. I believe that for indie music makers (such as myself) a platform like this would be amazing and inspiring.

Also, I am fully aware that this is a site for games and it may not be the right place to start this kind of a platform. But 1) the tool is here and I wanted to get some attention on how else could it be used, 2) getting the idea out might connect with some people and take some other shape or form, 3) I am a web developer with 8+ years of experience, and with enough interest, I might be the one who can get this thing going.

Anyway, I'm happy to share my idea and looking forward to your thoughts! If this sounds interesting to anyone reading this, feel free to write to me here or on my twitter @disconfucius. Have a nice day y'all!

the most wonderful thing about my game dev experience is the community. I'm so grateful when I package my idea into this medium and some people find the time to play it, let alone appreciate it.

thank you again for the support and for motivating me to continue making games.

Unfortunately no. I assumed it was an idle and there is no win/lose state.

The cursed cycle.. well done!

Shit, i got scared when aliens started hatching :D

Game looks really good, nice job!

Good game, really got me hooked. Nice job!

this one got me depressed, i got to feel the unfairness. nice job!

gets you to think about the priorities... nice one!

Wow, a banger! Good job.

Interesting concept, really got me to feel that office dread and hypnosis. Nice experience!

(1 edit)

Hey, thank you!

In fact, areas do change (in the brightly lit hallway you enter the new zone) and the scoring system accounts that you enter the new area, but I must admit I didn't do a great job explaining that to the player.

It's a lesson for the next time.

Edit: Now that I reread your comment, I see you thought of changing areas over time. Yep, that would be a cool concept, could see the game evolving in that way.

Thanks! Some good points in the video, taking notes!

Wonderful and relaxing!

Thank you for playing and accepting the challenge!

Nice little experience! Keep on having fun while making games.

Top tier! The feeling I got when playing was real frustration, just like it was intended. The indecisive customer was so funny, it got me to think about how would I want to play it as a full game, something like "Papers please".  The art is there, the main features are there, with a longer story I believe it would work out the same as that game did. Keep on going!

This comment made my day!

Thank you for taking the time to finish my game. I know it is not much, but it took some effort to build it being that I am not an experienced game developer. Was not hoping that people would finish it.

Yep, that jump being the only "mechanic" i tried to make the most of it. Cool that people can recognise that this meant to be foddian type of a game.

Awesome aesthetics, I can imagine this being a full game. Nice job!

Yep, he was the inspiration for the gameplay :)

It's a beautiful little game, it really did hit the nail with the isolation feel you were going for! Good job!