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A member registered Jan 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks for the feedback! This was a fun little game jam project to be a part of. Your feedback is right on the nose, haha. I'm glad you guys were able to figure out some of the more obscure (we ran out of time for a proper tutorial and I definitely could have given the instructions another look over, the seeds concept was a dropped idea near the end) commands, that makes me feel pretty good about what I helped make.

I'm glad you and your son made it through and had a fun time figuring it all out!

Thank you! It was a really fun, if ambitious, game for the jam. It certainly could be expanded on, and I'm glad you had a fun time playing it!

This is probably the most common bit of feedback we get for this game, so thank you for sharing! If we were to do a post jam version, a tutorial would be top of the list. :)

100% agree! Unfortunately I realized that a smidge too late into the jam, so we ran out of time for a proper tutorial.

Thank you so much for the feedback and the compliment!

Oh! That makes more sense, haha. I do think that WASD would have been better because the mouse controls are a bit finicky, but now I get what's going on. :)

So, I think that there is a solid idea here with a few notes:

First, I'm not sure if there is a win state. I lost the first time I tried, but I'm not quite sure how, I assume I was shot too many times or something.

I thought that the direction I ran into blocks would affect the placement, but that wasn't always the case.

The cube and fire pixel art are really well done! I like the colors and would have loved to understand more about what each one does (maybe allowing some customization or something would help or something, but it almost reminds me of the gummi ship editor from Kingdom Hearts, if you know what I'm talking about).

I feel like the background didn't quite fit the style, but that was probably more of a time constraint, so no worries there.

Like I said, this is a fairly fun game with a lot of potential. Nice work. :)

I also feel like I should share my masterpiece of a ship:

I'm not sure what's going on... the start screen kept reappearing and the game resets and then I froze on the screen below.

Am I supposed to collect the dots? Why are there snakes if this is a Parakeet game? I know there was the whole explanation thing at the beginning, but I'm not sure I understood any of it.

The colors are pretty, the humor went over my head (my reflexes were too slow), and now my browser and I are having an existential crisis. 10/10

The physics are pretty great, though sometimes my ball wouldn't stick. I got a bit frustrated with some parts, since I had to try to hit the stick and move keys at the same time.

What really won me over though is the wonderful little expressions. I loved the happy faces as they won and the scared/dead faces as they fell. That really helped me connect with the characters and push through to the end (I thought the black level was the last one and almost gave up). So yeah, the charm of the game kept me going, along with the fun physics. Nice work. :)

Good point, haha! I just looked it up and yeah, not only would they get oxygen poisoning, but if they light a match, the whole planet would catch fire...

Thank you for the feedback! I also really enjoyed your game, it was a fun one!

Of course! Also, I just realized I called it a little game twice, haha. But yeah, it was a good time!

I really liked the colors, tiles, and the playable character (it's pretty cute).

Wow, I feel like I've just done some serious mental acrobatics, and I bet there are other ways to get through the game. Nicely done. One thing that did bug me is that the switches are all within the playing area, but can't be interacted with by the player, so it makes it feel a little cluttered. Other than that it was a pretty neat game. I liked the colors and the level design.

I'm not seeing a game here...

The chain physics are great! When they get stuck on my dinosaur, not so much. Overall though I had a pretty fun time with this one just flying around and dropping boxes and bombs and just causing mayhem.

It took me several tries, but I actually beat this one. So, a couple thoughts:

I really liked the keys movement for the player and the mouse for the UFO, that helped me distinguish between the two roles pretty well.

Occasionally the UFO wouldn't turn and my character would perish in the flames (rip), but once I got through it, it was pretty rewarding.

I really liked the pixel art, fancy dialogue system, and the idea of one being able to move in ways the other can't. I couldn't remember which one was which, but I think overall it was a fun, short, game with a well played ending.

I loved this game, even though I didn't finish it. My only problem is that it is a bit hard to spread my fingers out between the A, B, and C keys, I think keys in a row would have worked just as well. Other that that, I think this is a solid game!

(1 edit)

So... my ants got stuck and I don't want to restart because I saw the blanket. Here's my thoughts:

First, I love the pixel art. The colors are really vibrant and I always know where the path is. Enemies are easy to spot and avoid and the goal is easy enough to understand.

That said, the fact that I can't see all of my ants at once is pretty nerve wracking, because it makes me just want to move as fast as possible and not worry about if any of them get eaten.

I think that the intro where you say the different controls in pieces is pretty good.

All in all, it's a pretty game with an interesting concept, and I would definitely like to see this more as a puzzle game with shorter levels perhaps, than a giant, hard to manage maze.

So, for the most part this is a fun idea, but a couple things sorta kill it for me: first, the camera turning with the characters is more of a hinderance than a help, I'm already trying to do two things at once, so adding the need to change directions with the camera is a bit overboard. Second, the characters are a bit too slippy for my liking. I like how they look like little Among Us crewmates and the sound when they connect to the box is super slick.

Pretty neat idea. The controls were a bit hard to get used to and the player-thing got stuck in a wall, but with some polishing, I think this one has potential. :) Also, I definitely thought "well, here's another pogo game" at the beginning, but was pleasantly surprised when the black and white floors started appearing, so nice twist.

This is a great little game! I love the simple controls and layout. That mixed with the great visuals and music made this a fun little game.

That's a really great idea! I love the art, music, and simple controls. :)