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A member registered 89 days ago · View creator page →

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"And please dont tell me "there's a milion games to review"

"Think about this: there are about a million projects on itch. But they have a counter for projects that is over 2.5 million."


Im saying there's no rules in the process of getting indexed without the staff care. Its totally random and non-equal, some games goes to the index some not.
Are you also suggesting that Itch has grown but still got no will to update infos and guideline? where's the growth? just the number of projects? Guidelines and rules are there for what?

I think its better to have a transparent and precise communication with your community, instead of missleading information and lack of services.

I'll soon start to post a screen of all the guideline lies and first time games published in 10 seconds...even without a proper page or description... There are a lot of people that make legit game and not get indexed. The thing "its your first game so you have to wait! is a LIE!. Sending a ticket to the support mean nothing, they answer you like 2 weeks later and they dont even know what is your problem. The thing "indexing get 2hours to 2weeks" mean thats no rules for getting indexed, so when a member of the itch staff find the will to do his job there's a chance that he see your (nonindexed) game. While, again, there's a lot of first time game published and indexed instantly.

DONT BELIEVE ITCH RULES, there isnt enough staff to apply the rules...

And please dont tell me "there's a milion games to review", Only way to get attention of the staff is to post a complain in the forum.