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A member registered Nov 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really fun! at first I thought the kid was stupid, but needless to say, the plot twist, got me good. 10/10, love how polished the game looks!

yes you’re absolutely right! I have a lot to learn about level design! I’m gonna try to learn more and make one good level for my next project. Thanks a lot for the feedback!

ohhh I get it, the level changes (it’s more of a location change) just happens when you reach a certain place in the map (it’s my fault for not making that clear, sorry) and from the third level, you can come back to the first level to fill up the tank, again totally my fault. I’ll make the instructions/goal more clear in my subsequent projects. Thank you so much for the feedback!

Just did, it's such a beautifu game,  the story was everything! 

I got stuck at the pistol, but I wantched the walkthrough lol

amazing game overall, you should be proud! 

(1 edit)

Wait yeah, you do have to deposit the fuel in the spaceship, if the ending card appeared before that, it's probably a bug I need to fix, can you tell me what happened? like what made you think, you don't have to deposit the fuel in the spaceship?

Thank you so much! I used Krita for the animations (It's free so you can get started today!) and I used Clip studio paint for the background :D

It looks so interesting I was really looking forward to playing this, after I saw the screen shot on the discord, but I don't have a PC :(  could you possibly make a Mac version later ? 

Thank you so much! 

You're totally right! I tried to have a parallax, but things were flying around, so I set it to a very slow setting haha, might update later with a proper parallax.

Such a cool movement mechanic! 

A few pixels of leeway when it comes to collisions on the tail would have been great, since right now it feels a bit unfair to lose for of barely grazing the tail bits.

The Sounds are nice cruncy, and the rocket ship looks really cute 

ah, this is so hard, but in the best way possibe, love it !