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intended to make around 10 different enemies but lost an entire day unfortunately. Glad you still liked it!

my original intention was to add way more characters that would anticipate movement but lost an entire day unfortunately. Decided to switch it up to a short “story” experience that wasn’t meant to be too hard. Thanks for playing and happy to hear you found it funny!

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glad you liked the short form and found it funny. Thanks!!

had never heard of it but seems really cool after looking it up. Might have to go play through it now. Thanks for playing my tiny version haha 

really glad to hear you found it funny! Thanks for the tip about controls, that’s a good idea. Thanks for playing!

Really takes a lot of skill… haha! Thanks for playing!

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would’ve loved to add more hats but ran out of time!

Fun concept with different fighting characters and styles. I liked the variety. Would've liked the movement to feel a bit more natural and snappy but satisfying gameplay still! Nice work!

Really satisfying gameplay and fun concept withe the different styles. Would like to see it expanded with more permanent upgrades. Nice job!

I really like the idea and style of this game. The paper looking enemies were really cool and I always love real time games that use cards. I felt that the movement and dodge could have felt a little more natural and more explanation as to what the cards do would be nice but I love the concept and would like to see it expanded. Great Job! 

Just played this with my pal for 5 minutes! Super simple yet quite entertaining!!!!!

Super cool concept and I love the style! Great job!

Very challenging but fun movement system. Nice work!

(1 edit)

Solid first game! Clever use of the limitation. Nice work!

This is a really cool idea. Having to keep track of timing and the buttons is difficult but rewarding. Well done!

Really cool use of the limitation and I love the art style + stormy vibe

Really cool way to use the limitation. I also really liked the art style and general theme of the game. Well done!

Having to memorize a level is a fun idea. Was a bit challenging because of sensitive movement controls but overall satisfying to play!

Fun idea, cool style. Nice work!

Really fun movement mechanic, nice job!

Woohoo top of the leaderboard!! Amazing game all round. Love the style and really satisfying to play! 

Once I figured out what was happening it was really satisfying to play! Nice job!

Really cool creepy vibe 

Really cool creepy style both art and music. The colors you used made the vibe even more perfect. Well done!

Really cool idea!

Really satisfying gameplay!

Really liked the idea of the light cone on a top down game. Nice job!

I really liked the idea and gameplay of this! I could see this being easily expanded into a full game and I would even pay a few bucks for a full version of this with some sort of deck building. Great work!